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Jake rushed up to the common room holding Katie's hand, he needed to talk to her before everyone else got there, they had left the hall where the writing was on the wall earlier than everyone else. "Katie, I think it was Harry" Jake said looking at Katie worried

"Why would you think that Jake? Harry would never.." Katie started to say but she was cut off by Jake.

"It all adds up though" Jake said, the portrait door opened and Jake stopped talking. "I'll talk to you about it tomorrow Katie" Jake said, he kissed her on the cheek and walked up the stairs to the 3rd year boys dormitory. He got changed and got into bed. He closed his eyes and instantly fell asleep.

"So it's finally open" laughed a familiar evil voice. Voldemort walked towards Jake but his face was a blur.

"The chamber of secrets?" Jake asked, he was lying down on a hard floor, he stood up quickly.

"Yes" voldemort said. "Of course"

"WHO OPENED IT?!" Jake said demanding an answer.

"Who do you think?" Voldemort said with a chuckle.

"Harry? No!" Jake said. Voldemort laughed and he disappeared.

"Oi come back you asshole" Jake yelled. He kicked the dirt on the rock hard ground.

"Jake turn around" he heard a familiar voice. He turned around to see James Potter.

"James" Jake said smiling. James put his hand on Jakes shoulder. "It's not Harry, don't listen to him okay. It's him that is doing it"

"What do you mean?" Jake asked.

"I can't say too much because you aren't using your power to connect with me, you need to learn to do that" James said. He smiled softly at Jake.

"What do you mean, this isn't real, it's in my head,is it?" Jake asked.

"Just because it's your head, doesn't mean it isn't real" James said. Jake looked around and saw that it had gone all white.

"Is Voldemort connecting with me aswell?" Jake asked. James ,looked at him with a serious look.

"Look Jake, Voldemort has a way of getting into people's minds, well only people who can connect with spirits and harry" James said. He checked his watch and looked at Jake with worried eyes. "I don't have much time Jake, stay with harry okay you need to stick with him, your the only person who can help him the whole way through and Jake tell Severus I'm sorry" James said and he disappeared.

Jake woke up suddenly and thought about the dream. Voldemort could get into his head? That's creepy and Jake only just noticed that his dreams were how he was connecting with spirits. He got out of bed and got changed into his school robes.

Jake walked down to the great hall for breakfast, he only noticed then how early in the morning it was, there was no food out for breakfast so he decided he'd go to his fathers quarters. Jake knocked on the door and the door was opened by a yawning Severus Snape "Jake what are you doing here at 6:00 in the morning?" Severus asked. Jake walked in and sat on the couch.

"I need to tell you something" Jake said. Severus nodded so he'd continue. "I know that I can connect with spirits in my dreams, I learnt that last night"

"Why? What did you dream about?" Severus asked, Jake looked up. Jake began explaining what happened in the dream.

"The last thing he said was 'tell Severus I'm sorry' then he disappeared an I woke up" Jake said. Severus' lip curled.

"Are you sure? That doesn't sound like James Potter" Severus said looking away from Jake.

"No I'm certain" Jake said. Severus wanted to change the subject fast but he did feel less hate for James.

"Voldemort can get into your dreams?" Severus asked.

"Yes he can apparently" Jake said shifting a bit in my sleep. "He seemed to go away when James came" he said Severus thought for a moment.

"This is something Professor Dumbledore needs to know" Severus said. Jake nodded.

"You can tell him dad"'

"Do you still think Harry's guilty?" Katie asked at breakfast. Jake shook his head.

"No, you know I thought a lot about it and I think It couldn't have been him" Jake said, he took a bite out of his toast and looked around and saw harry at the other end of the table.

"Why the change of heart?" Katie asked, Jake turned and looked at her.

"I know he's the 'good guy', Dumbledore told me from the first day he came to the school that I should always look after him and that's what I'm going to do" Jake said, he smiled softly.

"Jake.." A girls voice said from behind him, Jake turned around to see a Ravenclaw 4th year. "Professor Dumbledore told me to give you this" she said handing Jake the note.

"Thanks Jasmine" he said, Jasmine smiled and turned around and walked off. Jake opened the note and read it.

Come to my office as soon as you get this note, I will excuse you from defence against the dark arts as I know you don't like Professor Lockhart very much.
P.S I do enjoy chocolate eclairs, I'm very fond of that muggle sweet.
Albus Dumbledore.

Jake took one more bite of his toast and stood up. "professor Dumbledore wants me to go to his office right away" Jake said. Katie nodded. Jake leaned down to Katie and kissed her. "By Kat" he said winking at her.

"Bye J"


"You can't tell him!" Snape growled. "He can't know albus!" Severus said. He ran his hand through his greasy black hair.

"It's important that Jake must know Severus, he doesn't need to know that you told Voldemort" Albus said, Severus looked at Albus frightened.

"He's just a boy" Severus muttered.

"So is harry and he already knows that voldemort will one day come back and he will be after him" Albus said. "He'll go after Jake to and will want him to
join the death eaters"

"What makes you think that?" Severus asked.

"Severus, he's getting into Jakes dreams and trying to get him to join that's why I think that"

Severus Snape's Son: Book 2 [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now