The Burrow

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"Hello Jake dear it's nice to meet you finally" Mrs Weasley said smiling at Jake who was nearly her height. "Oh dear they were right, you do look like your mother, though you do still look very much like your father of course" she said, Jake chuckled.

"Hello Mrs Weasley" he said to the red haired lady standing in front of him. She had an apron on like she was cooking something even though it was well after lunch.

"I'll get the boys down here and Ginny my daughter if she will come out of her room. Poor girl hasn't come down much since harry got here. I think she may have developed a crush" mrs Weasley said. Jake nodded. Mrs Weasley walked to the bottom of the stairs. "BOYS! GINNY! DOWN STAIRS!" She yelled so loud that Jake flinched. Mrs Weasley looked over at him. "Sorry dear, five stories, I have to yell" the boys started running down the stairs. When harry saw Jake his face lit up and he ran and hugged him.

"Wow Harry it's only been a week" Jake said chuckling. He hugged his brother back.

"I know but your my only sibling and I'm allowed to miss you" Harry said smiling. Jake smiled back. Harry let go. Fred and George then ran towards Jake and tackled him to the ground.

"Hey get off" Jake said laughing.

"Oh but we missed you, Ey Fred" George said smirking at Fred.

"Yeah we did" Fred said. They got off Jake and helped him up. "Where's Ginny?" Fred asked looking around the room.

"Did you forget Harry's here Fred? Ginny's got a thing for good old scar head" George said, they laughed together. Jake looked towards harry and shrugged. Harry laughed along with them.

"Hey Ron" Jake said to Ron who was standing beside the stairs not saying anything.

"Oh, you shouldn't talk to him Jake, he made a bet that he could not talk for a day" George said nudging Fred.

"He surprised me because I said he wouldn't last an hour" Fred said laughing with George, Mrs shook her head.

"He's lasted 3 hours so far" Harry said to Jake calmly. Jake nodded. 'I'm surprised about the amount of effort he's put on' Jake thought.


At Hogwarts Severus knocks on the headmasters office door. "Come in" says a calm voice from the other side of the door. Severus walked in slowly. "Severus take a seat" Dumbledore said pointing towards the seat in front of his desk. Severus walked towards the seat quietly and sits.

"I don't want to know anything about the prophecy Albus" Severus' cold voice said.

"I disagree, deep down you do want to know, but you don't want to hear the worst" Dumbledore said looking at Severus through his half moon glasses. Severus scoffed. "I have summoned you here today to discuss when your son should know about the prophecy"

"He won't ever know about it!" Severus said angrily. "I'm not letting him fight for the potter boy"

"You mean fighting with his brother Severus?" Albus asked. "Do you not understand that Jake is the only person Harry has left, they must do it together. They both have Lily's blood and they both have Lily's love protecting them" Albus said, Severus shook his head.

"Jake doesn't have his mothers blood protecting him! Lily didn't risk her life for him" Severus said angry.

"Oh but she did, she didn't want Jake to get hurt so she sent him to you. She loved Jake too much to put him through that. She needed him safe, she needed him to live. If he was there, Voldemort is smart you know, he knows a brother bond could destroy him so he would have tried to kill both" Albus said. "They both have a different love protection but they are both strong as well"

"This is making no sense" Severus said confused.

"As long as Jake lives he will always have Lily's protection, Lily's love."


Fred, George and Jake sat on top of The Burrow roof looking down at Ron, Harry and Percy who were doing chores. They had a bucket full of paint filled balloons. George picked on up.
"Remember throw them fast, Ron may say something after this" George said laughing. Jake picked one out of the bucket.

"Can I just watch, I'd get in trouble from my dad if I did anything wrong" Jake said, Fred rolled his eyes.

"Okay, pass me that" Fred said pointing to the balloon in Jakes hands. Jake handed it to him. "Ready" Fred said looking at George.

"Set" George said aiming his balloon for Ron. Fred aimed for Percy.

"Go!" Fred yelled, they both threw the ballon at the same time and they both hit there victims in the face. "Get off the roof, get off the room" Fred Said jumping into his window, Jake an George followed.

"FRED AND GEORGE, COME HERE!" Mrs Weasley yelled out. Fred an George looked at Jake wide eyed. They were in trouble.

After Mrs Weasley yelled at the twins Harry went to Jake. "You would have thrown it at me but you didn't" Harry said, Jake shook his head.

"No way, plus I don't want to get in trouble at someone else's house"

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