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It's was getting close to the Christmas holidays and both Jake and Harry were excited. Jake always use to spend Christmas at the school, except for that one year when he went to Australia with his father and he got his very first broom. Today was the day Jake would get his cast off and he was happy because it had been really annoying him.

"Stay still" madam promfry said as she ran her wand over his cast. She then waved her wand at the wall and the x-Ray of his leg appeared on the wall. "Hmm, I think I can heal the rest with magic, do you want me to do that Jake?"

"Yes mam" Jake said politely. Madam Promfry nodded and waved her wand. The cast fell off and Jake felt a large amount of pain go through his leg.

"Stay still Mr. Snape, it will hurt for only a bit" she said. Jake nodded and tried his best to stay still. She waved her wand and muttered a spell then Jake felt his leg start to mend, then it didn't hurt at all. She put her wand on the table beside her. "All done Mr. Snape, some advice for you though... Stop getting distracted while playing Quidditch, you're going to really hurt yourself" she said. Jake stood up and stretched his leg.

"Haven't I already?" Jake asked smirking. He tried to walk but his leg failed him.

"I forgot to mention.. You will need the crutches for another week"
"How's your leg?" Katie asked. Jake shrugged.

"I wish I could walk on it" Jake muttered, "I haven't trained at all for quidditch. Do you think wood will let me play the next came?" Jake asked.

"You not really thinking of playing the game this weekend are you?" Katie asked. Jake shrugged.

"Well yeah, there is nothing wrong with my arms" Jake said with a smirk. Katie shook her head.

"Let's go to class" Katie said. Jake groaned.

"But I don't like charms" Jake said chuckling.

"Don't lie Jake, you love flitwick" Katie said laughing. Jake chuckled. Then they went to class and they happened to be a bit late.

"Why are you two late?" The professor asked. Jake pointed at his leg like a smart ass. "Jake would you like me to tell your father about your lateness?" Professor Flitwick asked. Jakes eyes widened and he shook his head.

"Please don't! He will stop me from going to classes" Jake pleaded. The professor chuckled.

"Go sit down" he muttered. They did as they were told. "As I was saying we are learning a freezing charm.. The indication is 'Glacius'" the charms master said taking out his wand, he then pointed it at a book on his desk. "All you need to do is point your wand and say the spell, it's that simple" the professor said. "Glacius" he muttered and ice wrapped around the book instantly. The whole class clapped. "Okay everybody try it on these objects I put infront of you" professor Flitwick said and with a wave of his wand objects appeared on everyone's table. Jake pointed his wand towards the cup infront of him.

"Glacius" Jake said pointing his wand directly at the cup. The cup instantly had ice crystals all over.

"FANTASTIC MR SNAPE, 10 POINTS TO GRYFFINDOR" flitwick said. Jake smiled and looked at Katie who seemed to be struggling.

"Point it straight on" Jake mumbled in her ear. Katie looked at him and raised her eyebrow. Then she pointed her wand straight at the book infront of her.

"Glacius" she said and the book turned to ice.

"Good job Kat" Jake said quickly kissing her cheek. The bell then rang for the end of classes. It was the end of classes for the week and Jake was happy.
Jake went up the stairs to the common room and wood came running up to him. "Jake, im guessing you're not playing tomorrow" Oliver said.

"Of course I am" Jake said with a smile. "I know I'm a bit out of practice but I can play"

"He won't be playing wood" said an emotionless voice from behind Jake. Jake turned his head to see his father. "Jake come with me, I want to talk to you and keep up" he growled. Jake did as he was told and followed his father.

Severus Snape's Son: Book 2 [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now