Tom Riddle

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The next day Katie and Jake walked to Professor Mcgonagolls office for there detention. "You two will have your detention with Professor Snape, he needs some things cleaned. Make your way down to his class room." Professor Mcgonagoll said. Jake and Katie walked out of her office and made there way to Professor Snape's classroom.

"Helllooo father!" Jake yelled announcing that he was in the room. Katie rolled her eyes. Severus looked up from the papers he was marking and rolled his eyes.

"Sit down" Severus said. The look on his face looked like he was trying not to laugh.

"But dad, I hurt my buttocks at Quidditch practice" Jake said trying to make his father laugh. Severus' lip curled but he kept his cool. Katie sat down at one of the desks and decided she ought to watch this.

"Would you just sit Jake" Severus said with a deep breath.

"Okay but if you here me complaining that my rectum is paining me then don't blame" Jake said before sitting on the set. Severus lips curled and then he began to laugh. Katie had never seen the professors teeth before this. Katie and Jake began laughing aswell. Severus stopped laughing and looked at them both.

"Why were you out of bed last night anyway?" Severus asked. Jake looked at Katie and then back at his father.

"If we tell you the truth, promise not to tell anyone else?" Jake asked with a serious look. Severus scanned Jakes face and tried to use leglimency against him but it didn't work, but when he tried on Katie he knew straight away.

"Well from what I know... You two are back together" Severus said.

"You tried to use leglimency against me" Jake said. "Then you used it against her" Jake said kind of pissed off.

"I just wanted to see if I could get into your mind" Severus said. Jake rolled his eyes.

"I could have just told you" Jake said. "We snuck out because I wanted to ask her out on my birthday and make it special" Jake said turning red.

"Of course..." Severus said with a chuckle.

After their detention, which to them was the best detention they ever had. They went to find Ron and Harry to see if Hermione was petrified.

"Harry!" Jake said running up to him holding katies hand.

"Oh hi Jake" harry said sadly. Jake looked at him.

"The rumours are true, aren't they? Hermione has been petrified?" Katie asked. Ron nodded sadly.

"Now we won't figure out who's behind the attacks without her" harry said frowning. "Me and Ron both know that she is the brains of the group" Harry said. Jake frowned.

"well, I put your cloak back into your room, in your hiding place" Jake said. Harry nodded.

"Thanks Jake" Harry said smiling abit.

"Well there is an up side to this..." Jake said. "At least you know the beast can't kill her because she's petrified" Jake said. Harry and Ron nodded agreeing.

"Do you have any idea what this beast might be?" Katie asked. Ron and Harry shook their heads.

"Harry, let's go visit her again... Maybe she will give us more inspiration" Ron said. Harry nodded and they walked off together.

"Well people no longer think it's harry" Katie said. Jake looked at her confused.

"Why?" Jake asked curiously.

"Well everyone knows that harry would never want to try and kill one of his best friends" Katie pointed out. Jake nearly face palmed himself for being so dumb.

"Yeah that's right"


"Jake look out for your brother from now on" jakes mother said. Jake looked around.

"Mum... What? Why?" Jake asked. Lily looked around.

"Because your brother might get into a bit of trouble" Lily said. Jake looked at her terrified.

"What trouble?" Jake asked. The laughter that Jake hadn't heard for a while filled his ears.

"You didn't think I wouldn't visit you again, once you open your mind the slightest bit I can get in" voldemort said not showing himself. Jake turned away from voldemort.

"I know who you are" Jake said. Voldemort laughed.

"Is there no one that knows who I am?" Voldemort asked.

"No... I know who you really are Tom Movolo Riddle" Jake said. Voldemort didn't say anything. "Am I right!" Jake yelled.

"How do you know my name you stupid boy" Voldemort spat angrily. Jake laughed.

"My Patronus is a wolf..." Jake said. "Do you know what that means?" Jake asked.

"Yes... I'm not dumb boy" Voldemort said coldly.

"I spoke to your mother and your father... I spoke to your uncle too... Why'd you kill your father Tom? Why'd you make you uncle believe that he did it? When they were the only family you had" Jake asked coldly. Voldemort screamed in anger.

"How dare you speak to me like that boy!" Voldemort yelled.

"I know everything about you" Jake said. Voldemort chuckled evily.

"Not everything"

Jake looked over to where his mother was. She wasn't there anymore.

Jake woke up and luckily it was morning. He got changed and walked down to the great hall for breakfast. He sat next to Katie and kissed her then he began putting food on his plate. The memory of his dream remained in his mind. Katie sensed that something was troubling him.

"Jake what's bothering you?" Katie asked. Jake looked at her and knew he could trust her but he didn't want to say anything around this amount of people.

"I'll tell you later... It's a dream I had" Jake muttered. Katie nodded understanding.

"What class do we have first?" Katie asked. Jake looked at their time table.

"Care of magical creatures" Jake said. Katie nodded.

"You can tell me while we are doing prac today" Katie said. Jake nodded and continued eating his food.
During care for magical creatures while they were feeding unicorns Jake turned to Katie.

"In the dream... I was talking to my mum, she said that harry could get in trouble... After that I heard you know who's laughter and I told him that I know his real name" Jake said. Katie looked at Jake confused.

"You do?" She asked. "What is it" she whispered.

"Tom Movolo Riddle" Jake whispered. "Anyway, he seemed kind of scared that I knew a lot about him... I think he may have a secret... In other words I don't think he is dead, I don't think he's a spirit because he said that even me opening my mind the slightest bit will let him in" Jake whispered.

"How can he be alive?" Katie asked. "Harry defeated him." Katie whispered. Jake shrugged.

"I don't know Kat..." Jake whispered.

"I hope you two are paying attention" Professor Kettleburn said stroking his moustache.

"Uh sorry sir" Jake said. He then continued feeding the unicorn him and Katie were assigned to.

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