Leave me alone

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For the rest of that month Jake would have those dreams. Voldemort would be there trying to convince Jake to come onto his side but Jake just wouldn't budge. He also didn't let out his fathers secret that he was spying for Dumbledore. One night Jake got sick of it.

"Would you leave me alone!" Jake screamed. "CANT YOU SEE I DONT WANT TO JOIN YOU, ID RATHER DIE THEN BE ON YOUR SIDE" Jake screamed. He just wanted Voldemort to stop visiting him in his sleep.

"Very well Jake, it seems your just as stubborn as your mother" Voldemort said. Jake stood there angrily.

"You bet I am" Jake muttered. "Show yourself you stupid asshole!" Jake yelled. Voldemort chuckled.

"Have you ever wondered what the fog is boy?" Voldemort asked. Jake stood there in silence. "I'm not in your head Jake, I'm making you see what I want you to see" Voldemort said.

"This is where you are? In a Forrest?" Jake asked. Voldemort chuckled evilly.

"That's right..." Voldemort said. "I was so happy that I was able to connect with you because apparently I'm classified as a spirit"

"And a nutjob" Jake said. Voldemort laughed coldly.

"You're so lucky that I am unable to perform magic" Voldemort said. Jake laughed.

"Even if you could, what would you do, I'm only in your head aren't i?" Jake asked. Voldemort stayed silent. Then he chuckled.

"I can still torture you" Voldemort said evilly. Jake noticed that he was now outside a house. He saw a cloaked figure walk into the house so he followed him. He saw James standing infront of the staircase without a wand to protect him. The cloaked man laughed. Jake knew then what Voldemort was showing him. Voldemort was the one under the cloak.

"No wand to protect yourself James?" Voldemort asked chuckling evilly.

"Don't hurt my son, please" James said. "Give mercy"

"Never!" Voldemort screamed. "AVADA KADAVRA" he screamed once again pointing his wand at James. James fell to the ground lifelessly. Jake screamed.

"JAMES!" Jake yelled, he fell by his side. James looked straight up, he had no life in his eyes. Voldemort started to walk upstairs. He knew what was going to happen next and he didn't want to see it. He tried hard to wake up but he couldn't. He then found himself in a room.

"WHERES THE OTHER ONE" Voldemort screamed at Lily. Lily had tears running down her face.

"What do you mean?" Lily asked.

"YOU HAVE TWO SONS, YOU STUPID GIRL, NOW MOVE ASIDE" Voldemort yelled. Lily didn't move.

"Don't hurt harry please" lily said as tears ran down her face.

"Move aside you silly girl" Voldemort spat.

"No... Please don't hurt harry, show mercy" lily said with a scared look in her eyes. Jake hated seeing that look.

Jake woke up it was morning. He was in his room in his fathers quarters. Severus walked in to see that Jake was sweaty and breathing heavily. "Oh gosh, what happened?" Severus asked. Jake didn't say anything he just stared into space. "Come on Jake, tell me what happened" Severus said. Jake looked at his father with fearful eyes.

"H-he made me watch as he killed James and then he made me watch my mum beg for Harry's life... I woke up before he killed her... But he laughed like it was some joke the whole time dad, I-I want to kill him" Jake said the last part angrily.

"I don't think he'll be visiting you in your dreams anymore Jake" Severus said.

"Why?" Jake asked.

"Because if the dark lord was leaving your dreams he'd leave it and make sure you're left in pain, he couldn't use magic on you so he showed you something that would torture you to watch" Severus said. Jake nodded.

"Harry says he has those dreams a lot, where Voldemort kills mum" Jake said. Severus flinched at the name. "Come on dad it's just a name" Jake said with a chuckle.

"I hate it though" Severus admitted. "The sound of it just makes me flinch" Severus muttered. Jake nodded understanding. "You need to get up, you have your Hogsmade visit today" Severus said. Jake nodded.

"Yeah, I'm gonna hang out with Fred and George" Jake said smiling. Severus raised and eyebrow.

"Why not katie?" Severus asked.

"She's hanging out with her friends" Jake said. Severus nodded and walked out of Jakes room. Jake got up and got changed and then he went to the great hall for breakfast. Jake walked in and sat next to Katie. He kissed her on the cheek sweetly and she blushed.

"Hey Jake" George said from the opposite side of him. Jake looked at the twins and smiled.

"We're going to zonko's" Fred said smirking. "We'll do pranks while at hogsmade" Fred said smiling widely. George chuckled and nodded.

"Where Lee?" Jake asked. George chuckled.

"He's got a detention with you father" George said laughing. "Funny thing that was Ey Fred" George said. Fred nodded.

"Lee really doesn't know how to make a potion" Fred said. "His potion exploded in Snape's face and he got pimples all over his face"

"I almost thought Snape was a teenage boy again." George said with a laugh. "But of course the pimples weren't there for long" George said with a chuckle.

"Yeah Snapes really good at Magic, those pimples were gone with in seconds" Fred said. Jake nodded. His father never told him about this. In fact his father doesn't tell him much about his day.

"Yeah Professor Snaps would have been pissed" I said. Fred chuckled.

"Well it sound weird when you say professor snape" Fred said. Katie looked at Jake and nodded in agreement.
At hogsmade, the three boys decided they'd get a butter beer before going to zanko's. They sat in a booth and ordered their butter beers. "So how's it going with Katie?" George said nudging Jake. Jake shrugged.

"It's going pretty good" Jake admitted. George chuckled.

"I can't believe you got a girlfriend before me" George said. Fred laughed.

"Why would the girls want you when I'm the handsome and awesome twin?" Fred asked. George scoffed.

"You wish... You can be the smart twin but I'm the handsome twin" George said. Jake groaned.

"You guys do realise that you are identical, that you look exactly alike to the last freckle?" Jake stated. George chuckled.

"Actually Fred had birth mark on his back and I have one on my bu..." George began to say but Jake cut him off.

"Too much information" Jake said. George and Fred laughed. A worker for the three broom sticks came with the butter beers and they drank then quickly and went out to go to Zanko's joke shop.

"What are these?" Jake asked once they were in the shop. Jake held up a lolly looking thing. George chuckled.

"Those are lame... They make the person who eats it have a runny nose and it only lasts for 10 minutes, like what the point in that?" George said. Jake chuckled and shrugged.

It was a really good hogsmade visit, even though the twins chose Katie to prank but he didn't fall for it. Jake apoloigised to her before heading off to prank someone else.

Severus Snape's Son: Book 2 [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now