Happy Birthday Harry

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"Good morning Jake" Severus said to his son, who walked into the kitchen rubbing his eyes.

"Good morning, it's Harry's birthday today" Jake said smiling.

"Funny thing about your brother" Severus said with a smirk. "He broke out of his aunt and uncles house and now there is a hole in the side of there house"

"Serves them right the way they treat him, he didn't use magic did he" Jake asked getting a bowl out of the cupboard. Severus shook his head and waved his wand and jakes breakfast started to get made with magic.

"Those three Weasley boys did though, no with there wands though, I actually don't know how but they did" Severus said, Jake nodded getting a spoon and putting a spoon full of cereal into his mouth. "Albus informed me this morning that harry was at the Weasley's, those twins and that Ron kid were in big trouble for Leaving in the middle of the night"

"I hope they weren't in huge trouble" Jake said hopefully. Severus scoffed. "Hey don't make that sound, they're my friends"

"I think you need smarter friends" Severus said with a chuckle, Jake rolled his eyes.

"Don't be an arse dad" Jake said chuckling. Severus raised his eyebrow. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry" Jake said laughing his head off.

"That's it!" Severus said getting up and running after Jake. He picked him up and put him over his shoulder. Jake was still laughing. Severus put him down a moment later. "You're getting heavy" Severus said.

"You're getting weak" Jake mumbled poking his tongue out at him, Severus rolled his eyes. Jake was the only child he allowed to speak to him like that because he knew Jake was joking.

"You're getting fat" Severus mutter with a smirk. Jake fake gasped and laughed, they both laughed. They were disturbed by a owl pecking at the window, Jake ran over to the window and let the bird in. The owl dropped the letter in jakes and hands then flew off again.

"Hogwarts letter" Jake said ripping the envelope open and looking at the list. "I have books to get, I have to get books for care for magical creatures and divination" Jake said "my new subjects and the other books for the subjects i already do" Jake said, Severus nodded.

"I know what we are doing today" Severus muttered.

"What's that?" Jake asked.

"We are making a trip to diagon alley" Severus said, Jake smiled. He always loved going to diagon alley.

"Okay, let me send and owl to harry and get dressed and we can go?" Jake asked, Severus nodded. Jake ran up the stairs to his bedroom and wrote a letter to Harry.

'Dear Harry,
Happy Birthday! I heard that you are at the Weasley's, I hope you got out of the Dursley's safely. Anyway my present isn't much but I hope you like it
Jake Snape.
P.S I'm going to Diagon Alley today, if you're going today then keep a look out.'

Jake put the letter in an envelope and wrapped Harry's present, which was Chocolate and book on quidditch, this book was an older addition and it showed all the old tactics and rules, he thought harry may like it. Jake then tied everything to his owl leg.
"Get there fast Jerim" he said to his pet owl. Jake called him Jerim because it started with J. After Jerim took off Jake got dressed and headed downstairs.

"Ready to go Jake?" Severus asked, Jake nodded. "We are going to transport a different way but don't tell anyone that you've aparated" Severus said looking at Jake seriously. Jake nodded again. "Okay hold onto my arm" Jake did as he was told and he felt a weird sucking feeling and then it stopped and he found himself next to his father in Diagon Alley.

"That was fast" Jake said happily, although he still didn't feel quite right. The feeling of aparation wasn't the besy feeling in the world. Severus chuckled and nodded.

"I'm surprised you didn't throw up" Severus said, Jake laughed a shook his head.

"It wasn't that bad" Jake lied, it was a horrible feeling but it had been worth it because it was fast.

"So what do you need?"Severus asked.

"Well I need those books I said before" Jake said looking at his list.

"You also need potion ingredients which I have already at home" Severus said, he then looked at Jake from head to toe. "Also you need new robes, you have grown a head since your first year when you got your first school robes" Severus said, Jake nodded agreeing.

"Do we need to go to griggots?" Jake asked, Severus shook his head. Jake sighed with relief, he didn't like going into Griggots because the goblins creeped him out.

"Jake?" Jake heard a familiar voice say from behind him, Jake turned around. It was Hermione Granger.

"Hello Hermione" Jake said with a smile. He was glad to see a friend at last, it had been a while.

"Hello Jake" Hermione said, she then looked at Severus nervously. "Hello Professor" Hermione said giving Severus a nervous smile. She was lucky Severus was in a good mood.

"Hello Ms.Granger" Severus said, he then looked at Jake. "it seems that at least one of your friends aren't a total idiot" Jake rolled his eyes at this.

"Excuse my father" Jake said, Severus rolled his eyes. Hermione looked at them both, they were so much alike, they acted the same, they had a lot of the same facial features. Jake had been lucky enough to get his mothers nose though.

"That's okay, professor Snape you're right" Hermione muttered.

"When am I not" Severus said smirking, Jake shook his head rolling his eyes.

"Hermione have you seen harry?" Jake asked, Hermione nodded smiling.

"He happens to be standing right behind you" Hermione said.

"Huh, what?" Jake said turning around and there harry was standing behind him, harry smiled cheekily. Jake hugged harry tightly. "Oh my gosh happy birthday harry"

"Thanks" harry said. "Could you let go, you're hugging a bit tight" Harry said, Jake noticed and let go. "Hello professor Snape" Harry said, Severus gave him and approving nodded.

Severus Snape's Son: Book 2 [COMPLETED]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu