The Truth

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Jake knocked on Professor Dumbledore's office door, he could here arguing on the other side. "Come in" Dumbledore said quickly. Jake walked in and saw his father standing there. "Take a seat Jake" albus said. Jake nodded and took the seat infront of Professor Dumbledores desk. "Severus, I believe you have a class to teach" Albus said.

"Not at all Albus, it appears I have a free period" Severus scrowles.

"Very well then" Albus said waving his wand. "Take a seat Severus" Albus said motioning Severus to take a seat.

"I'm not in trouble am I?" Jake asked. Severus scoffed and looking away from Albus.

"Of course not Jake, please excuse your father here. I believe he does not feel like acting his age" Albus said with a cheeky sparkle in his eye, it was very kid like for an old man. Jake chuckled slightly earning a glare from Severus.

"Tell him already would you!" Severus growled. He couldn't take the tension, if Jake was going to know then it had to be told fast or he'd lose it. Albus and Jake looked over at him, Albus looked back at Jake.

"Did you know that the reason Voldemort wanted to kill harry was because of a prophecy?" Albus asked. Jake nodded.

"Yes sir, I knew that" Jake said looking at the headmaster.

"Voldemort didn't hear the whole prophecy so he doesn't know what it really said" Albus said, the headmaster waved his wand and a plate thing that looked as though it was full of water hovered infront of him.

"That's a pensive, I've seen that before, I remember I used to come in your office and you'd look after me when I was little, you showed me that one day" Jake said with a smile. Albus smiled and adjusted his half moon spectacles.

"This memory is different to the one I showed you when you were young, this is the whole prophecy that I remember" Albus said, Jake nodded. Albus picked up a veal and poured the contents into the pensive. "Go on" Albus said. Jake nodded. Severus watched in fear as Jake put his head into the pensive. Jake stood there in a room, professor trelawny and Professor Dumbledore were there.

"This is my proof Albus" professor trelawny said. She held a glowing blue ball in her hands (also known as the prophecy). "Just place your hand on it and it will speak" she said. Jake happened to put his hand on it as well as Dumbledore.

'The person that will defeat the dark lord will be a boy born at the end of July but only will the dark lord be defeated if the brother born at the beginning of March must help defeat him... Only one brother will survive.'

The prophecy stopped speaking and Jake took a step back from it. The Prophecy was about him and Harry. Jake frowned, he could die by the end of this he thought. 'If I'm going to die' Jake thought 'it will be while defeating the dark lord'

Jakes head came out of the pensive and he looked at the two men. "The prophecy was about brothers, that's why Voldemort wants me on his side so I can't help harry" Jake said angrily. "You should have told me sooner!" He barked.

"I didn't want this news to frighten you Jake" Severus said, he frowned at his angry son.

"I'm not frightened, I furious" Jake screamed in his dad's face. Albus then did a calming charm on him. Jake straight away felt his anger float away from his body.

"Jake you know, you and your brother have powers you don't even know of, you two will be the only ones who can defeat Voldemort because you two have powers he does not. Jake you can connect with spirits and if you open your mind abit mort you can learn from older souls, rare magic that Voldemort knows nothing of. Although having an open mind is a blessing you will need to learn how to close it" Albus said, he got up out of his chair and walked towards Jake. "Severus will help you with that" Jake nodded and got up from his chair, so did Severus.

"Sir... Have you known from the very start?" Jake asked professor Dumbledore. "I mean that it would be me and harry the prophecy was about" Dumbledore put his hand on Jakes shoulder.

"There was no way of me knowing Jake, harry hadn't been born yet. I did suspect it would be you because you are born at the start of March" professor Dumbledore said. "And I also did know that Lily was pregnant at the time I heard it"

"how could voldemort find out about the prophecy if you heard it here in this office?" Jake asked, Albus looked over at Severus and Severus gave Albus frightened eyes.

"That I don't know" Albus lied. Jake frowned and nodded. "I trust you have a potions lesson to get to and Severus can escort you there" Albus said. "Remember Jake, don't tell anyone about the prophecy, not even harry"

Jake say at the Gryffindor table at Lunch. He was nervously tapping his feet, he barely ate anything. "Something wrong Jake?" Katie asked putting her hand into his. Jake looked up at her.

"Uh... I've got a lot of homework to do" Jake said nervously. He felt his hand getting sweaty and he let go of Katie's hand. "I need some air Kat" Jake said standing up. He walked out the great hall and went into the boys bathroom. He turned on the tap and washed his face.

"Something wrong Jake" said a girls voice from behind him, Jake turned around frightened. It was moaning myrtle the ghost of the 2nd floor girls toilets.

"Uh no myrtle, I'm just a bit.." Jake began to say but Myrtle cut him off.

"A bit nervous are you Jake?" Myrtle asked. She sat on the sink next to him.

"N-no" Jake stuttered, no I'm not.

"You're just like that boy Jake" myrtle said, she smiled at Jake. "Draco Malfoy" she said with smiling dreamily.

"What do you mean?" Jake asked. Myrtle giggled.

"You both come in here when your stressed and you both wash off your face" myrtle said, the boys toilets door opened and there he was, Draco Malfoy. "In fact there he is now" myrtle said before disappearing into a toilet.

"Draco..." Jake said looking at the blonde haired boy who stood in front of him.

"Snape.." Draco said. Jake gave him a glare.

"I thought we were friends Draco, I was unaware you weren't on first name bases with me" Jake said moving closer to him with a cross look on his face. Draco looked at him with a glare.

"I thought we were friends too Jake, although I haven't spoken to you in two years" Draco said. Jakes face softened and he frowned slightly.

"I'm sorry" Jake apologised.

"You're a Gryffindor" Draco said suddenly. "Always thought you'd be a Slytherin, you do have Slytherin blood you know" Draco said.

"You can't blame me for what house I'm in, the hat chooses the house that is right for the person" Jake said pushing Draco out of the way and walked towards the door.

"I know I can't" Draco said, Jake stopped walking but he didn't turn to face him. "And I'm not, I don't care what house your in, I care about the type of friend you are" Draco muttered. Jake looked at him for a moment.

"I'm sorry I couldn't be any better" Jake said pushing the door open and walking out.

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