Follow the spiders

Start from the beginning

"Yes." He said. "He's in trouble. Up at the school, there have been attacks. They think it's Hagrid. They think he opened the Chamber of Secrets. Like before." Harry said. "That's a lie! Hagrid never opened the Chamber of Secrets." Aragog said. "Then you're not the monster?" (Y/N) asked. "No. The monster was born in the castle. I came to Hagrid from a distant land in the pocket of a traveler." Aragog answered. "Harry. (Y/N)." Ron whispered but (Y/N) shushed him as Harry asked. "But if you're not the monster, then what did kill that girl fifty years ago?" "We do not speak of it. It is an ancient creature we spiders fear above all others." Aragog. said. "But have you seen it?" (Y/N) asked. "I never saw any part of the castle but the box in which Hagrid kept me. The girl was discovered in a bathroom. When I was accused, Hagrid brought me here." He said. "Harry. (Y/N)." Ron said a little louder. "What?" They asked. Ron points above them. The two look up and see hundreds of spiders coming down to surround her and the boys. "Well, thank you. We'll just go." Harry said as they start to back away. "Go? I think not. My son's and daughters do not harm Hagrid on my command. But I cannot deny them fresh meat when it wanders so willingly into our midst. Goodbye friends of Hagrid." Aragog said as Ron turns to you two and asked. "Can we panic now?" A spider falls next to Harry, who takes the lantern and swings it at the spider. The trio stand by each other, back to back, as they point their wands at the spiders.

"Know any spells?" Ron asked. "One." Harry replied. "But it's not powerful enough for all of them." (Y/N) said. "Where's Hermione when you need her?" Ron asked, fearfully, as the spiders begin to surround the three until they saw two bright lights coming, the lights making the spiders run away as it stopped in front of them. The lights turned out to be Mr Weasley's car. "Come on." (Y/N) said. Ron runs over to the drivers side and jumps in just as a spider comes at him. Two spiders were coming at you and Harry but the both of you point your wands and said. "Arania Exumai!" And the spiders where blown back as (Y/N) holds the door open for Fang then jumps into the back and Harry jumps into the passengers seat. "Go!" Harry shouted as he backs the car up and away from the spiders. The car goes up in the air, making (Y/N) and the boys scream, and land on the ground. The trio  let out a sigh of relief. "Glad we're out of there." (Y/N) nods as Harry smiles when suddenly a spider comes up and wraps it's pinchers around Ron's neck. (Y/N) points her wand at the spider and said. "Arania Exumai!" And the spider flies backwards into the forest. "Thanks for that." Ron said. "Don't mention it." She said. The spiders appear at the top of the hill, and begin moving towards the car; seeing the spiders, Ron whimpers. "Get us out of here. Now!" Harry shouted. Ron puts the car in reverse. "Come on! Come on, move faster!" (Y/N) and the boys scream as Ron makes a sharp turn. "Come on, go!" Ron puts the car in drive, and steps on the gas; as they drive through the forest, the spiders pursue the car, moving almost as fast as cheetahs. "Get us in the air." Harry said. "The flying gear's jammed!" Ron said. The spiders gather at a tree branch up ahead, intent on intercepting the Ford Anglia. "Come on. Pull!" (Y/N) shouted. "I'm trying!" He shouted.  As they drive into the pack of spiders, knocking them aside, the car takes the air, with one spider managing to grab hold of the car before falling to the ground. Flying over the trees, the car descends and lands a few feet from Hagrid's house before coming to a complete stop in front of the house; (Y/N) opens his car door and lets Fang out. "Follow the spiders". "Follow the spiders"! If Hagrid ever gets out of Azkaban, I'll kill him." Ron declared. The Ford Anglia backs up as Fang reenters Hagrid's house, then drives past (Y/N), Harry and Ron, and back into the forest again. "I mean, what was the point of sending us in there? What have we found out?" Ron asked. "We know one thing: Hagrid never opened the Chamber of Secrets; he was innocent." (Y/N) said.

Time Skip

The next day, (Y/N), Harry and Ron are visiting Hermione in the Hospital Wing again; (Y/N) takes the old dried up flowers out of the vase next to Hermione's bed, puts in some new white flowers (most likely roses), then sits on the bed. "Wish you were here, Hermione. We need you. Now more than ever." (Y/N) said. Hermione just lays there with her glossy facial expression as Ron sighs sadly. (Y/N) rubs Hermione's left hand; feeling something in it, she looks down and removes her hand to discover a crumpled up piece of paper, a library book page, which she carefully removes and straightens out. "What's that?" Ron asked. "Guys, this is why Hermione was in the library the day she was attacked." She glances at the page and then back at Harry and Ron as she gets up. "Come on!" (Y/N), Harry and Ron walk through the corridor as (Y/N) reads from the page. "Of the many fearsome beasts that roam our land, none is more deadly than the Basilisk. Capable of living for hundreds of years, instant death awaits any who meet this giant serpent's eye. Spiders flee before it..." she looks at the boys.

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