"So now his spirit is awakened and out for blood."

"I guess. Who knows what ghosts are thinking anyway."

Karina speaking from her mind, cringing her thought, "You know we're gonna have to dredge that body from the swamp? Boys?"

Dean smiled at Karina while Sam muttered the man. Karina shook her head, shuddering.

"You said it."

"I know... I know."

Cassie approached them from the house, and Dean stood up. He walked toward her, "Hey."

"Hey. She's asleep. Now what?"

"Well, you should stay put and look after her and we'll be back. Don't leave the house."

Cassie shook her head slightly, and smiled along, "Don't go getting all authoritative on me. I hate it."

Dean looked slightly behind him, hearing Sam chuckle. Sam and Karina are still watching them. Dean turned to Cassie, "Don't leave the house, please?"

Dean leaned in and kissed her. Karina pressed her lips together, looking down at the ground. Eyes widened. Sam glanced over, grinning at them, making out. He cleared his throat. Dean kept kissing her, holding one finger.

Karina rolled her eyes, hopped off the hood, and went into the car.

Finally, Dean broke the kiss and turned his back on Sam. "You comin' or what?" The Winchesters got in the car.

When they're finally at the swamp near Dorian's place, Dean was on the tractor pulling the truck from the water. As they finally finished, the truck was covered with moss and fogged windows. It's 40 years underwater.

Dean hopped out of the tractor and walked toward his success of pulling the truck out. Karina high-fived Dean as they all walked back to the trunk of the car.

Sam began to speak from his mind to his brother, "Now I know what she sees in you."


"Come on man, you can admit it. You're still in love with her."

He opened the trunk and began collecting what they needed to burn the bones. "Can we focus, please?"

"I'm just saying, Dean."

As they all got what they needed: salt, gas, flashlight, and finally a match. Dean was avoiding Sam's face on him, and Karina couldn't help but smile at the avoidance of Dean from Sam's pining. They all walked toward the truck. Sam was holding his flashlight as Karina reached her arm toward the door hedge.

She opened the door, revealing the smelly, rugged skeleton of Cyrus Dorian. Sam and Karina turned their faces away from the rotting smell of the corpse. Dean proceeded with the plan, he carried the corpse to the nearby table.

Dean set the skeleton on the table as Sam poured gas on it. Then Karina sprinkled salt on the corpse. Finally, Dean lit up the match, and it burned into flames. They all stood there and watched the corpse burning.

"Think that'll do it?"

Suddenly, a monster truck roared, and its headlights came on them. They all looked at the truck, shocked.

Dean answered Sam's question, "I guess not."

Karina looked at the truck and examined, "Are you serious!?! Now the burning of the body had no effect on that thing?"

"Sure it did. Now it's really pissed."

Sam asked, "But Cyrus' ghost is gone, right, Dean?"

Dean started to walk away, "Apparently not the part that's fused with the truck."

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