The "living"

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"This is a bit extra don't ya think?"

"I mean, yeah. But this is the FUN way Zora"

"No they're right on this one this is a bit too much"

"Well f*ck you Liebe, I'm doing it this way"

"Asta, what in the actual hell are you doing?"

"Secreeeeeeeee, come on I just wanted to make a s'more"

"That is a giant stick with a million marshmallows on it and Magna ready to light them all on fire. That is in no way 'Just Making s'mores'. That is possibly getting yourself killed"

"We had Liebe and Zora on standby"

"How would Charmy react to this?"

"She would give us a pat on the back and ask why we didn't let her join in"

".... It's sad that you are right."

Meet the Black Bulls that live in the forest. Some of them weren't there for this particular event (Luck was in recovery from an a-hole who made him revert back to his full-Wendigo form and Charmy was helping with the healing process) but this is the gist of their dynamic.

Charmy is a dwarf who more or less adopted the lot of them.

Zora is very tired and has yet to understand how Asta grew up in the country but has no accent. He's a halfling with lycanthropy.

Magna is ALSO a halfling with lycanthropy but he is absolutely ready to cause chaos and do dangerous things as long as death is not an extreme possibility. So setting fire to a giant tree branch that has basically had its leaves replaced with marshmallows seems like a great idea to him.

We got Asta who is basically Frankenstein from birth. And because of it he has no sense of what is and is not highly dangerous, because what are they going to do? Kill him?

Liebe and Secre come with Asta. No questions asked. If you can't see them but you can see him then be VERY scared for what is going to go down because there is a high chance that he either snuck away while they were asleep or they are getting ready to ambush him and drag him back to their living quarters. Secre could be literally any animal that you see around you, and you would never know. And Liebe? Liebe is able to be tiny and hide.

Luck is a kid who was in the wrong place at the wrong time and became a Wendigo because of it. He tends to encourage Magna and Asta's bs because he is VERY MUCH SO bored if he isn't patrolling.

What's so important about these people you ask? Well they inhabit ⅓ of the Forest. The Forest where cryptids and creatures go to be excepted, and where reckless teens and young adults go to die. So. Do you want to get a closer look?

What if they weren't all human?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora