Magna why is your hair on fire.

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"I'm a fire based mage. Of course I'm on fire."

I really don't know how they keep forgetting this. I almost set the workshop on fire the other day. Zora is still mad at me for that. Something about a matchbox and beetles.

"There is smoke coming off of your head dumbass. I know you got ma's hard-headedness but I don't remember y'all going around with your heads on fire and NOT screaming"

"No I'm serious. My head isn't on fire."

"It is."

"It isn'"

"Then where's the smoke comin from?"

"Oh. Klaus sent a courting gift again."

"I thought I told 'im to shove off."

"Ya did. He doesn't understand why though."

"Ah so he's dense."

"Yeah. Now if you'll excuse me I have a date with a dense as fuck android."

"I will never understand how you fell for HIM"

"You don't like anyone. You can't talk"

"I like you, Asta, and that whole lot!"


"...... That's fair. But I still don't understand how."

"You try having a guy that doesn't know he's proposed to you several times over start stuttering the moment you give em a peck on the cheek. It's hilarious. At this point he's sweeter that a tart and keeps giving me these super thoughtful-"

"Imma stop you there. Don't want to hear you go on this rant again, so be sappy somewhere else."

"Party pooper."

Did he just stick his tongue out at me?

I could be the mature one and just walk away.


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