The "dead"

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"Can you pass me that ring big brother?"


"So I can put it on one of Miss Vanessa's horns!"

"Did she say this was alright?"

"Of course, I said it was all right. We plan on having a tea party later and I want to look my best!"

"Who is coming to this tea party?"

"The usual people! Miss Mereo and Dorothy are on the list so Mister Yami said it was fine!"


"Gordon, slow down. I almost didn't understand what you w-were saying"

    Meet the final third of the Forest. This is the Base. The people in this group are mostly dead. With one or two exceptions. Anywho gets this far tends to not leave alive. The other two sections serve as a ring to keep people out and keep most of these guys in.

    First off we have Grey. Grey is a changeling. They were used to replace the young child of a couple of nobles who ended up treating Grey like they were just a tool they could use to clean their manor. Grey, of course, did not like this. They left the manor one day and faked their death so their "family" wouldn't come looking for them. They have 5 main forms of various heights. Their tallest form is their natural form. They have greenish skin with yellow (relaxed) spikes that poof up when scared. They wear black genie pants with various elemental designs and a loose white collared shirt that has a brown vest over it. Then they have their "Grey" form which has short blue hair and wears pretty much the same outfit but with plain dark blue pants. This form is not used as it is legally a dead person. Then there is "Pansy" who has long black hair and grey pants. This form is used when grey goes out to trade. Then there is "Torment" who is a vigilante with shortish grey hair that is usually kept in a ponytail and a greyish purple color for their pants. Finally, there is "Lucia" who wears a cloak that covers their face. This form is used for spy missions. (Sorry for the info dump)

    Then there is Gordon who is a spectral. He and his family were burned alive in a ritual several hundred years ago and due to their anger at being killed for no reason, they all became spectrals. Gordon got tired of haunting their old house and left, before running into Grey, and then Gauche. He is still able to use magic and can interact with the physical world if he wants to. He has burn marks in several places, the lower right (from his perspective) side of his face is burned off, one of the lower parts of his leg is missing, and his clothes are burned in some places. His eyes are completely black and he has a blueish glow around him that makes it so if you bring him along you don't need a candle. Very useful in a forest.

    Gauche is a vampire. As is his sister Marie. Their parents were brutally killed when they were young vampires and they were left on the streets. One day they ran into Yami while Yami was scouting for creatures right when they were about to jump a guy for food. Now they are free to have whatever human is dragged in from the other rings. Gauche has pretty pale skin, light maroon hair, and dark red eyes. He typically wears clothes that should blood get on them he only has to worry about the smell rather than stains. Given, that means most of the time he wears all black.

    Marie on the other hand is a little princess to the Bulls of the Forest. She has dark blonde hair that she keeps little gems in (she picked it up from a visit to Charmy. Charmy and Vanessa may or may not have cried tears of joy seeing a small child talk about how pretty Charmy was with all of the shiny things in her beard) and she could probably dress a small army of herself in the number of dresses she has.

    Vanessa is a succubus. She was summoned by the Witch Queen who wanted the powers of immortality and wanted to know how to achieve it. Vanessa refused to give her it and so the witch queen locked her in a cage that she took a ton of precautions to ensure that any demon would stay in should they be trapped there. She was later freed by Yami and Henry who had used a spell to see if they could find any devils or demons in the area in case they needed help. They found where Vanessa was being kept and punched a hole in the wall with the Base, which Vanessa then used to climb into the Base itself. She has been there for the hundred or so years since. She is one of the few people allowed to leave the Forest. She uses some of her magic to disguise herself before going and finding all of the corrupt magic knights and nobles that Zora investigates in order to either bring them in for questioning or to kill them because they have too much power. Let's just say she sometimes rivals Luck and Noelle with her kill count.

    Next up we got Henry. Henry is a life-based vampire like Licita. Should he have children they would turn out like Asta if it is not another life-based vampire that he has the kid with. He was abandoned by his parents when he was only 100 or so years old. When he was about 600 Yami stumbled upon his house and struck a deal with him. The two of them then went around using various spells from Henry's library to track down anyone deemed a "creature" or "monster" by Clover society. Due to his condition, Henry is not really allowed around anyone that is a living human that is not to be killed. Purely because otherwise there is a high chance he would kill them.

    Finally, we have Yami. Yami is a shadow. Literally. He came to the Clover Kingdom LONG before the Wizard King ever found him. He had accidentally traveled to the Clover Kingdown because someone tried to kill him and he sunk too far into the shadow realm and popped up in the Clover Kingdom. Lucky for him, there was a storm happening at the time so no one noticed him. He spent a couple of years searching for a place to lie low before he stumbled upon Henry's place. Henry told him about how anyone who isn't "normal" is treated. Yami was horrified and he and Henry decided that they would work together to save as many people as they could.

They spent a few months searching through the library in Henry's house before they found a spell that would help them find anyone who was in trouble that was sentient but not human. This led them to Vanessa, then Gauche and Marie. Eventually Gauche found Gordon and Grey in the Forest, Finral accidentally portaled into their living room, and Zora tracked them down while investigating a dead body that they had found that didn't have the MO of anyone he knew (spoiler, it was Gauche). This led to the three different sections coming together and forming the Black Bulls. A group that fights for the rights of all and isn't scared to get a little bloody.

Welcome to a world of creatures, monsters, and magic. May you enjoy their stories as much as they have. Now it's time for the fun stuff

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