Luck get off the fridge.

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No why would I? It's comfy up here.

"You need to get down and take your medicine!"

No. I want to stay up here.

"You are back in that form. You need healing."

But it's nice up here

"How about I give you some curry-"

Spicy food?

"-and we get Leopold to visit-"


"- So you two can fight each other-"


"- for after you get down and take your medicine."

Well, now I don't want to.

"Magna also got some more pudding. So maybe if you get down you can have a lot of your favorite things."

Fine. But you will pay for this Liebe.

"Don't give me that look. You get curry, a fight, one of your favorite people that you don't live with, and Magna's pudding. I get nothing from this other than not having you in a cannibalistic and homicidal mindset"

You still suck.

"Come on. Charmy is still waiting for you in your room."

Can Leo come now?

"Leo will be here when you can actually speak in a language he understands, stop trying to give me puppy eyes. So go and take your medicine while I put curry on the menu."


"There you are! Go lie down in your bed, yes you can bury yourself under the covers. Just remember to drink the stuff in this cup every time the bell rings. You can come out when you only have the tips of your fingers having the black on them. You know the drill."

When can Leo come?

"He can come when you are healthy again. Now drink up kid"

I hate this family.

"No you don't, that's just the Wendy speaking"

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