I would like to go to the Lake please

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"Ah, is it that time of year Lady Silva?"

"Considering that I ran into no one on my way here, I would assume you knew that already Sir Roulcase."

"Ah, I've already told you to just call me Finral. I may have taken my mother's maiden name, but it does not mean that I intend on having people address me by it. Especially considering you know of my heritage in the first place."

"Well then, I believe you should do the same. Until you address me as just Nebra I will continue to address you as Sir Roulcase."

"You drive a hard bargain. So, to the Lake again Nebra?"

"Yes, I have some things I wish to say to my sister's resting place."

She has grown so much since her first trip down here when I was there. When I first came here and built my little hut Noelle told me of her sister. She said every year her sister shows up at 2 points.

February 15th, Noelle's day of death.

November 15th, Noelle's day of birth.

The two days are on opposite sides of the year and the attitude of each visit reflects that. February 15th was a sad occasion. Nebra is usually more somber as it is a day of remembering what could have been. November 15th is the opposite. Nebra brings some of Noelle's favorite things and uses it as a time to speak of all of the things that Noelle would have loved to see. Whether it's Solid falling flat on his face or Mimosa creating a flower spell specifically for Noelle.

I figured it would be a smart idea to let Nebra know who I was early on. She freaked out and almost ran away at the sight of me. I had to reassure her that I wasn't going to tell anyone about what happened until she was ready. This was technically a lie since I tell anyone who meets Noelle, but she didn't know that Noelle was still alive.

Now, she has a little garden table and chair that she keeps out behind my house for her little offerings to Noelle. We keep a small box of matches and candles for February and another small box of pictures that Nebra was lucky to recreate with her magic.

If we're lucky, this year will be the one where Nebra and Noelle can finally have a "conversation" face-to-face. I hope that happens. For both of them.

"You know, I really should have paid more attention to her when she was alive. I was a horrible older sister."

"Hey, we can be horrible older siblings together. My brother hates my guts. But at least with you, there's a road of redemption. I can't go back home, EVER. I'm dead according to public eyes. You are one of the like, 20 people who actually know I'm even alive!"

"How can I be redeemed? She's dead. I can't do anything to make her feel better, and I can't even say I'm sorry!"

"You could tell someone."


"You could tell someone what happened. You didn't do anything bad enough for anyone to try and put you in jail, but your brother? He could go to jail for second-degree murder."


"He didn't plan to kill her. He did kill her, but he had the intention of killing her. You tried to stop him, yes?"

"Yeah, but he continued anyway"

"Then he did second-degree murder since it wasn't planned but he had the intention of killing her."

"So if I tell someone then it helps Noelle's spirit?"

"Yes, yes you can."

"Then... I'll do it. I'll tell Nozel about it. He might get angry though."

"Thank you, Nebra"

"Who was that?!"

"That would be Noelle, she's been waiting for you to say that you would tell someone about her murder since the time you first showed up."

"Is it her ghost?"

"No, she's a siren-"

"-SHE'S A WHAT??!"

"- a siren. She died a violent death in water, and there was an old siren who decided to give her powers and life, to Noelle. She can't speak above water or else you will try to basically drown yourself."

"Does this mean-. Does this mean I can see my sister again?"

"Yes, and you two have a lot of catching up to do."

What if they weren't all human?Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon