What do you mean?

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"I mean, that some of the people in the Forest are married. Or are preparing to be married in some people's cases."


"Well, Gordon, Grey, and Gauche are legally married, spiritually married in the ways of the dead, and spiritually married in the ways of the fae."

"What's the difference?"

"Well in the eyes of the Clover kingdom they have all of the legal rights of people who are married. They haven't been married in the eyes of the church because that could possibly kill Gordon or Gauche so they aren't doing that one. Grey was initially raised by the fae before being shipped off to the Clover kingdom so they honored their wishes and are married that way as well. And Gordon and Gauche are both technically dead and have similar enough traditions that they are married that way as well."

That's fascinating, I wonder how many customs there are in the Black Bulls.

"Who else is married?"

"Rill and Charmy"


"Yeah, took Rill forever to convince Charmy to say yes."

Who would turn down Captain Rill? ... Maybe it was due to him being childish. But Charmy. It makes no sense. Also how could they have a wedding? Charmy is a dwarf that is a part of the Forest, wouldn't Luck have tried to kill the captain?

"But- Rill is HUMAN."

"Nah, he's a half-elf. Don't know how that happened considering that the lot of them were killed about 500 years ago."

"So you're telling me, that Captain Rill. The youngest person to become a Captain. Fell for a short foodie commoner with a beard."

"It was love at first sight. They apparently fell for each other when they were passionate."

"And that would be"

"Rill fell for Charmy when she came crashing through a window and fought someone for wasting food."

"How romantic."

I did not mean for that to sound sarcastic.

"Oh, drop the sarcasm Klaus. It was hilarious. He just stood there lookin at her with heart eyes as she beat the shit out of the guy"

I am not judging the Captain as that would make me a hypocrite. Just with a different subject of interest.

"And how did Charmy fall for him? Probably seeing his magic for the first time?"

"If that's how you think romance works then I'm surprised you fell for me."

Wait- HE KNOWS???



Did he just put his finger on my mouth?!


"I said shush."

I almost forgot how attractive Swing looks when angry,

"Anyways, Charmy REALIZED that she fell for Rill when she gave him a nice sketchpad and set of pencils so he could do sketches of things he wanted to paint. He was beaming and started bouncing up and down and started kissing her forehead repeatedly. Charmy was stunned for DAYS."

I would be to if you did that. In fact, I HAVE been stunned for days when you do that.

"That is... oddly charming."

Why does my mouth and my brain never line up?

"Kinda the point. Rill went out and found a book filled with Dwarven customs so he could propose. Charmy almost cried."

I should do that.

"That is very sweet. Who else is there?"

"You and I"


"Oh, don't make that face. You might want to look at a book of Halfling customs."

You mean to tell me that the person I have been helplessly in love with for MONTHS, has known about my feelings because I continuously have PROPOSED?????

"Is this-"

"Why Zora gave you the shovel and trap talk? Yes," Magna was starting to cackle at this point

He really should see how he looks when laughing. He looks so, carefree. So... happy. It's so cute-

Wait he's laughing at me not knowing his customs.

"Th-this isn't amusing!"

"Y-hahaha-yes it is! You should have seen your face!"

"HEY. What did I say about sitting on top of the mountain with your boyfriend Magna!"

"To only do it when you are asleep! Go back to bed so I can kiss this dumbass!"

"EWWWWW Magna why must you wake us all up with that info!"

"Magna you woke up Luck! You have to get him to sleep again!"

"But Zora started it!"

"I'LL DO IT!!"

"Asta you have an arm missing right now. You can't do it."


When did Captain Yami show up??!!!


That is the sound of a lot of doors slamming shut.

Magna is sighing I should pay attention now.

"So, it looks like our stargazing and talk date-"

This was a date?!

"-has been cut short. Come on, time to get ta bed."

Why is he pulling me towards the cave opening?

"Come on ya big bag a screws. I'm tired and you look like you need to charge."

Wait, is he taking me to his room?

"In ya go. Welcome to my room! It's not much but I do what I can."

This room is so- Magna. It's cozy yet punk.

"Come on, you must seriously need to charge if you are taking so long standing here"

And I am being pulled onto his bed now. Am I dead? I must be dead, that is the only explanation for this.

"Here's some bed-wear, probably not what you usually wear though"

"No, it's great. Thank you"

This is the softest thing I have ever touched.

"Lie down already"

Wait this is really happening

"I'm gonna sleep now, so goodnight. Love you"

He just kissed me on the forehead! And he's cuddling me!

I'm going to die now if I'm not already dead.

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