chapter 23: the proposal

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Everything is settled between Forth and Beam. Forth is totally healed now. He is back on managing their company again,. He still stays at Beams house.

Everything is perfect, but there is something missing. Thought Forth. They've agree to take everything slowly, they surely love each other but for the meantime they set some boundaries.

But  for Forth, those boundaries needs to be remove immediately. He can't wait any longer. He wants to marry Beam and claim him as his.

Beam is in thesame turmoil as Forth, he wants to be claim by Forth but to shy to ask. He will just wait for the latter to open up. Then it seems that the heaven heard his prayers.

One afternoon, Forth went home to his parents. His family are waiting for him, actually he called them to be present as he is going to ask for their help to do his plan....

.......of marrying Beam.

"Thank you all for being here" he said when he came" while hugging each obe of them. They all settled at the living room.

"So what is the plan?" Ask Earth

"First, i want to ask Beam hands to his parents" said Forth

"But they are in Korea" said Marla

"Yes..and i am planning that we will go to Korea" said Forth

"Whhaaatttt?" They all said in unison except for David who is thinking hard then he talk.

"What if we just call them" David said

"No is not appropriate.. i want to ask them personally. I love Beam and i want to respect him and his family..marriage is not a thing that can be settled through phone...geezzzz" he retort.

Then David grinn widely.. "ohoi..that is my son" he said chirpily

"ok then, pack your things, we will be going to Korea on saturday. You guys have one day to clear your schedule" he said to gulf,mew, earth and yihwa.

"I also want some relaxation and i want to bond with my bestfriend" he continue with wide smile in his face.

Marla faced palm herself. "He is the one who is much excited than you son" he said to Forth and all of them laugh at his father.

"How about Beam and Hanna, are they coming with us?" Yihwa asked

"Yes, actually i already told him but he doesn't know my plan. I want to surprise him, i will propose him there." Said Dreamily.

"Ow..i am so excited" said Gulf.

And they were settled, they are all going to Korea.

Saturday morning.. they all travelled going to Korea. Hanna and Beam are so excited cause they are going to see Ben and Belle.

They arrived at 10 in the evening and Ben and Belle picked them up. The Vongphipan mansion is big, it is capable of accommodating them all. After they eat their dinner, they are all settled to their assigned bedroom.

Beam and Forth of course are at thesame room, Hanna sleep with Belle and Ben.

"Thank you Forth" said Beam, they are lying on the bed with Forth embracing him and cuddles him to sleep.

"For what love?" Ask Forth

"For coming here with us to Korea" said Beam

Forth kiss his forehead "Oh, don't be love, i also wants to be here and have some relaxation with you and hanna and of course with our family" he kiss again his forehead "so we better sleel, becauae tommorrow we have a lot of things to do." And Beam just smile and nods.

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