chapter 2: poor Beam

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Days had passed. As usual, Beam acts as if Forth is nothing to him. They talked to each other casually. Beam was very good indeed, in hiding his feelings.

When their exams were over, the group decided to take a booze, at Lams house. Of course the med gang are invited.

At first Phana was hesitant to agree, cause he considers Beams well being, but Beam himself agrees to come.

At Lams house. The place were set for a mini party, a pool party to be exact, with dim light, rock music, a bar facing the swimming pool that full of different liquors and so many foods and snack on the corner.

When the med gang arrived, Forths gang already settles themselves at the long table beside the pool. Park is the first to see them.

"Oi, they're here." He said "" he shout

Phana and Kit immediately approach the group with Beam tailing behind them. Phana sit beside Forth and he lead Beam to sit beside him. This time, Phana is in protective mode towards Beam. And Forth just nods at them.

They begun to enjoy the party with lots of bickering and endless story of how they exams went through. Until they decide to play a game. Spin the bottle "Truth or dare".

Max is the one who starts the game. He first make the spin and the bottle stops infront of Kit.

" go first" said Max "truth or dare" he ask

"Truth" said Kit

"Ohoi..what are we going to ask him?" Ask Park.. they all fall into thinking until Tul speak.

"Who is your crush in the sophomore eng.?" He ask. Kit git startled

"Wh..aatt..i don't have crush on any of them" protested Kit

"Are you sure?" Teases Tul "we agreed to play this, and you choose Truth...then...answer the question truthfully" he continues

Kit get silent for a moment when he speak. "Mingkwan" he said almost in whisper.

"Who?" They all ask in unison

"Aizt...i already said it" said Kit irritatedly

"He said Mingkwan, the last year Moon of engineering" said Beam flatly while drinking his beer.

"Whaat? You like him?" Phana almost shout

Kit blushed so hard and he nods.

They all get silent for a moment.

"Well...Ming also has a crush on you" said Forth calmly and drink also his beer. Ming is his cousin, so he knows that Ming also a crush on Kit.

"Re..really?" Said Kit and Forth just nods.

"Sorry i didn't invite them because he went home, uncle wants to see him" he continues and then Kit blush again.

"Ok.. enough of Kit..lets continue the game" said Park and they continue to play.

They had fun, Phana chooses dare so Lams dares him to drink the vodka straight.

Tul and max choose truth, because they have nothing to hide. Same with park and lam.

Then the bottle stops infront of Forth.

"Truth or dare" asked Park

"Truth" answers Forth

"Let me be the one to ask him a question" said Lam "Haven't you find someone who can replace Nong New?" Ask Lam.

Forth keeps quiet. He drinks his beer and absentmindedly look at Beam, Beam did not see that Because he intently looking at his beer and his grip tightens on the bottle. Then Forth sighs and look at Lam.

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