chapter 3: temptation

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When Park and Lam goes back to the group, they saw that Beam and Forth still holding each others hand but this time Forths right arm encircling Beams waist while his left holding Beams right palm while staring and smiling at each other. If anyone look at them, they can surely say that the really love each other, that they are meant to be together.

"But no,.its a big no. " Lam murmurs to himself. Because he knows that Forth gestures is because of the effect of alcohol and he play along with the game, but Beam, he surely in character as New and he loves to do it because this is the only chance he got to be with Forth this intimate.

"Who wants to swim?" Ask Max

"Yeah..lets swim..its only 9 in the evening..long way to go" suggest Tul

Kit and Phana just nods.

"Do you bring change of clothes Pha?"ask Forth

"Yup" Phana answered

"How about you?" Ask Forth to Beam

"Yeah i have"

"Ok then..lets change" Forth said and Beam just nods.

Lam accompany the med gang to change their clothes.

At the room.

"Beam are you ok?" Ask Phana. He just nods and continue to change his clothes.

"Beam you can stop this game, you don't have to do this?"

"I'm ok Pha..don't worry..this is the only chance i got to be with him" said Beam with a teary eye "Just let me be, i am ok..hmmm?"

Kit and Phana just stares at him and nods.

Behind close doors, there's a pair of ears heard their conversation. After he hears it, he immediately went back to the pool side act as if he heard nothing.

When the med gang returned, Beam saw Forth talking someone on his phone. When he sees Beam, he immediately drag Beam to jump in the water. Beam was taken aback by the sudden attack, he digs deep down the water with Forth and gasping for air when they float, still Forth is holding him. All their friends laugh at that and jump also in the water, still bickering and laughing.

Forth drags Beam in the corner of the swimming pool. He lean his back on the corner and pull Beam to be close to him, Beams smooth pale back leans on Forth lean and muscular chest. Beam felt shiver down his spine when his body touch Forths. Forth back hug him, Forths arm lays on Beam smooth tummy.

Beam lost for words. He just let Forth do what he did. He let Forth hugged him in the dark corner of the swimming pool.

Few minutes passed, Wayo arrived. Wayo is Forths younger cousin. When he arrived, Phanas eyes get widens because Wayo is his long time crush but like Beam, he have no balls to confess. Wayo also has a crush on him, he just wait for Phana to confess. And why he is here? Because Forth calls him to be here. For what? To distract Phana. Why he needs to distract Phana? Who knows? 🤷

"Swadee Kah Phis" wayo Waid at their seniors

"Swadee Nong" said Park.

Park and lam gets out of the water, they greeted Wayo and leds him to sit in their table and give him food.

Then Kits Phone rings...

"Ai Kit, your phone rings" calls Lam

Kit also gets out of the water at look at his Phone. It is a video call from Ming. Kit answers the call shyly. And the two started chatting with each other. Why ming calls Kit? Because, Forth also instructed him to call Kit and get his attention. Why? Who knows why also?🤷

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