chapter 7: the set- up

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Beam and Forth continue to see each other secretly. Every wednesday he go to Beams condo because Beams has afternoon class the next day. Then Forth will be back at friday night and he will stay till sunday morning.

When they were together, they act as if they were madly inlove with each other. Forth brings food everytime he go to Beams condo and he even cooked their food when he stay for too long.

They were being together not just because of sex. He even visited Beam and they just do their school work together, eat together and cuddle each other to sleep.

For the time they were together, Bean learned everything about Forth and It's a habit for Forth to always pinch and play with Beams nose. And that is ok with Beam. And forth is a good cook.

It is surreal for Beam and he hope that it will last forever. But it won't. Their relationship doesn't have any label...just sex buddies. But for Beam, it's different. He will treasure every moment he spent with Forth.

When they were outside, they just pretend that nothing is going on between them. They talk and bickers casually, so no one suspect that theres something fishy going on around them, but not with Lam. He knows.. and he wants to warn Beam to get away as soon as he can for their so called set-up because he knows that Beam will be the only one to suffer when the time comes. But Beam himself allows to enter on that situation. "He is stupidly madly inlove with the wrong person" Lam thought.

You must think why Lam is so concern about Beam,. Because he is Beams second cousin. His mother and Beams mother were cousin., they grew up together but got separated when Beams mother decided to leave Chiangmai and live at Australia. They grew up together, Forth, Lam, Phana and Beam. That's why he knows that Beam love Forth since middle school and got his first heart broken when Forth courted New. Because of that, Without second thought, Beam agrees to his mother to leave Chiangmai.

Lam thought that Beam will forget about Forth, but he was wrong. And he don't know what to do at all to save his cousin from drowning to his feelings towards Forth. He was torn into two, Beam is his cousin and Forth is his best friend. Both are important to him.

So he confront Forth. At the dungeon, he saw Forth lying on the couch looking at his phone smiling. When he sees that, he think that Forth is looking at News picture in his phone, so his blood boils immediately but he inhale and exhale just to release the tension because he knows that he might say bad things to his best friend. When he is ok, he calls Forth.

"Forth can we talk?" Ask Lam sitting on one of the couch. Forth look at him confuse.

"About what?" He ask and he get up at sit properly.

"Beam...about Beam" said Lam looking straight to Forths eyes.

Forth get startled a bit "About who?...about Beam?" He said


"And what about him?" Ask Forth irritatedly. "I have nothing to do with him, why we need to talk about him?" He continues

Lam smirk."Don't pretend Forth, i know everything" he said

"I don't know what youre talking about Lam" he said and he get up from the couch and was about to turn around when Lam speak.

"Have pity on him Forth, he doesn't deserve all of this. He is a good person, he did nothing to you except for loving you whole heartedly. I know you can't reciprocate his feelings but please don't do this to him. I am begging you.. stop this what you called set-up, because we all know that only Beam and only him will suffer at the end."

Forth stops for awhile and look at Lam with expressionless face the he turn around and make his way out of the dungeon leaving Lam.

"I hope you will listen to me Forth, spare him..please" said Lam heaving a deep sigh.


Beam stays at the library, cause his two best friends has something important to do. And their last class will start at 3pm, he has 2 hrs. To do his other assignments.

While sitting at one corner, he saw a familiar figure sitting across to his table. It is Forth.. looking at him. He just nods at him and the latter approach him and sit across Beam.

"Hey" said Forth and Beam just smile.

"Why youre alone here?" He ask

"Ahmm Pha and Kit have some errands to do" he answers

"Ah..ok.." said Forth. "Ahmmm...Beam?"

"Hmmm.?" Beam just hum his answer still looking at his books.

"What time will your last class finish?" He ask

"Around 5:30...why?" Ask Beam

"Let's watch treat."

Beam slowly lift his head to look at Forth with brows knotting. "Are you sure?" He ask.

"Yes...why?" ask Forth.. honestly he knows the answer why beam ask him that, because he clearly tells Beam that they will not be together in public place, that's why Beam ask that.

" don't...." Beam wasn't able to finish his word when Forth cuts him in.

"Theres nothing wrong with that Beam, were friends afterall...right?"

Beam smile and he just nods. "Yah...were...were friends afterall" he said. When Beam said that Forth can clearly see the sadness in Beams eyes.

"Ok..i'll pick you up at 6pm... just wait for me at the parking lot..hmmm?"


"Ok then..i have to go, i need to do my labwork...see you later.." Forth said and he immediately leave Beam at the library.

"We were going on a movie a date...a friendly date" Beam murmurs to himself.


Forth return to his class.. as of now he can't focus on his lesson because Lams word keep repeating to his mind and the sadness he see from Beams eyes.

He needs to do something.. maybe the movie date later will be the last day he will approach Beam. He needs to stop, Lam was right. Beam is a good person, he doesn't deserve all this. But   when he think that he will stop seeing Beam make his heart hurt...why? He ask to himself.

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