Chapter 2: 'Pilot'

Start from the beginning

"I predict, this year is going to be kick ass. And I predict all the sad and dark times are over and you are going to be beyond happy." The brunette nods along and for the first time in a long time she genuinely smiles.

Turning into Laurel Avenue they make their way to school.


The halls of Mystic Falls High School are filled with students rushing to their lockers; to get their class time tables; to meet up with friends- some after spending months apart. The start of a new school year always creates a chaotic atmosphere. The only thing she can't spot are the eligible bachelors. This instantly makes her think of her mysterious stranger. The rest of the summer predictably consisted of attending a funeral, lifeguard duty, cheerleading camp and her Grams talking her ear off about their magical ancestors from the old pilgrim days. In that exact order. For a moment she thinks about telling Elena all about her encounter with tall, dark and handsome but immediately decides against it. Maybe mentioning the random guy she met on the street should stay in the 'do not discuss pile'.

"Ugh, I need a man!"

"Bonnie!" Her friend giggles at the sudden exclamation.

"I know, I know. I'm a strong independent women who doesn't need a boy to keep her steady, but that doesn't mean I can't want one. Although my luck seems to have already run out with the apparent lack of male real estate."

"Bonnie!" She can't stop laughing, and it makes Bonnie smile. Maybe her mission won't be too hard to achieve after all. As Elena is about to chastise her friend's vulgarity a sight makes her pause.

Matts looks like a kicked puppy.

After the funeral of the beloved members of the town, the former couple had finally split and it wasn't exactly a clean break. Lots of tears were shed and now what is left of the relationship are awkward glances from across the hall. He slams his locker closed after not reciprocating his ex's limp wave.

"He hates me."

"That's not hate. That's you dumped me, but I'm too cool to show it, but I'm secretly listening to Air Supply's greatest hits."

"Elena! Oh my god!" Oh no...

The two girls watch their blonde friend approach them with quick steps. They both share the same look. Here we go.

"How are you?" She snatched the brunette into a tight embrace, "Oh, it's so good to see you," Caroline faces Bonnie with her baby blues sticking out of their sockets, "How is she? Is she good?"

"Caroline, I'm right here," Elena sways her head to the side to try and get Caroline's attention, "And I'm fine. Thank you."


"Yes. Much better."

"Oh, you poor thing." Bonnie winces as Caroline brings the girl into another crushing bear hug. She tries not to laugh at how obviously uncomfortable she looks.

"Okay Caroline." Elena squeaks due to the lack of oxygen.

"Oh! Okay, see you guys later?" After releasing the girl from her clutches who waves her goodbye, she strusts down the hallway already on the way to attend to whatever seems to  demand her immediate attention. Bonnie tries not to laugh at the smile that seems to be stuck on her friend's face.

"No comment." Says Elena as she shakes her head in disbelief.

Their little trio has been unstoppable since 1999. They've been attending the same school together since they were in the first grade and they were inseparable. Then somewhere along the line came spilled secrets and sharing crushes and all the other petty jealousies that come with childhood.

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