Alternate ending: 51

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"Please," I whisper for the thousandth time, clutching my girl to my chest, tears running down my cheeks.


I fucked up.

Kenneth's finger pulled the trigger, but I was the one who knocked it out of course, making it hit my Liana instead of me. It would've been better if I was the one lying here lifeless right now.

I should be the one dying tonight.

"Colt.." Callie touches my hand, stroking it, making me look at her instead of my wife's blood on the floor beneath us. "You have to let me get to her, right now, or—"

"Or what?" I bark at her, even though I know the answer.

"Or she'll die." Callie stares me down. If Liana wasn't losing way too much blood right now, I would strangle that medic for challenging me; but even I can realize when I'm in the wrong.

Dorian pulls me backwards while Callie leans over my wife—my lifeless wife.

I just have to do one thing while she's unavailable, to distract myself, then I'll be back holding her. Comforting her. Loving her.

My gun is in my hand in an instant, and I'm on my feet, pointing the barrel straight at Sergeant Kenneth fucking Bell. Rina and Dorian both step away, letting me have this weasel for myself. It's a fucking shame I'm going to do this now, instead of waiting for her to do it—but I'm a selfish asshole, and I want to be the one to end him. He's still on the floor, both hands tied behind his back, and a grin so wide it makes me see red.

Red for my own past, red for my father's betrayal, red for Brianna and Harold Henderson.

Red for my Liana.

"You've just ended your own damn life, Kenneth, and I'm going to enjoy taking it from you piece by piece, in the most painful and slow way I can imagine," I tell him, all emotions drained from both my voice and face. Channeling my father, I raise my chin and practically purr to him, "And then you'll burn."

He murdered my wife and her family. He ruined mine.

I'm going to murder him.


Callie is a miracle worker. She came back so fast and helped getting Liana to a hospital while I was elbow deep in blood and gore, that I'm forever in her debt.

Because of her, my wife is still alive. Because of her, my life can continue. Without Liana, I wouldn't have had much to live for.

Because of her, I get to hold my Liana's hand right now, and I get to see her heart beating on the monitor, and I get to see what our lives will be like going forward. I get to meet my little brother's niece or nephew one day.

Her hand squeezes mine, and I sit up straighter, clearing my throat as I watch her head turn, her smile widening as she sees me sitting here. "Hey," she croaks, moving to sit up. "You're still here."

"Of course," I reply, lifting her hand to kiss it. "Where else would I be?"

"You haven't been home at all?" she asks, furrowing her brows.

"No, I'm not going home until you can come with me," I tell her, my voice darkening, "which should be today, Callie said."

"I can't wait." Liana sighs and fully leans into her pillow, closing her eyes again.

The shot did so much damage, I didn't think I'd ever hear her say my name again. I was so positive I'd lost her, I almost lost myself in a fit of rage—but then everything was turned upside down when I was told she would live. I'd ripped Bell apart, I'd ordered someone to clean up at the warehouse, and then I'd started ripping apart my house when someone finally told me she wasn't dying that night.

"Me neither," I say, kissing the back of her hand again. "I'm so fucking glad you're okay, baby."

She smiles, clearly exhausted from just these few moments awake, and I let her rest. Because we have all the damn time in the world, now, and nothing's going to stop us. Not a damn thing.


A week later, I've convinced Callie I'm capable of taking care of my wife on my own, and took Liana to the beach house so she can rest and recover. Unfortunately, Callie won the argument about vehicles, making me promise not to take Liana on my motorcycle yet—which I kind of agree with, anyway..

Especially since it's started snowing at night. I might be a great driver, but after almost losing the love of my life once, I'm not taking any unnecessary risks.

I got to hold her thigh and watch her glorious smile as we approached the ocean, though, which was just as good as feeling her arms tighten around my waist. If not better. It's distracting as hell, so I had to clutch the steering wheel so hard my knuckles turned white to keep myself focusing on the road now and then. Maybe I should let her drive home, because then I can watch her all I want.

She's currently standing on the back porch, staring at the waves with her mom's knitted sweater tightly wrapped around herself, a mug of hot chocolate resting on the railing next to her. And I have the best view in the world—her.

Careful not to startle her, I walk outside, pressing a kiss to her shoulder, before I wrap my arms around her waist. "You're so beautiful," I murmur into her neck, inhaling her sweet scent.

She hums in reply, her hand moving up to my hair. "This place is beautiful," she says. She leans into me, her chest rising with a deep, satisfied inhale. "It's so peaceful."

"Peaceful enough to make you calm down and see how much you enjoy my company," I comment, burying my nose in her neck. The first time we were here, she couldn't stand me, but this place—it made us both open our eyes to each other in a whole new way.

I can't express how fucking glad I am that Callie came as quick as she did that night, or how big of a raise she's getting for saving my wife's life. She can have her own damn credit card linked to my account and go crazy. If not, Liana wouldn't be standing here with me. She'd be in the ground, and I'd probably be next to her sooner rather than later.

It's the worst thing in the world, imagining how badly it could've gone when that gun misfired. It's its own kind of torture I'm trying so hard to stop, but I can't. It haunts me. It poisons my mind, making me so fucking needy. I can't let her out of my sight without getting paranoid, and it's probably going to drive her mad pretty soon.

"I think we would've gotten together one way or another anyway," she says, bringing my thoughts back from the emotional damage.

"If you hadn't been close to death, you would never have admitted you love me, though," I tell her, a grin coating my voice.

"I would," she protests, "eventually.." She giggles, and my whole body warms up, making me close my eyes and inhale her scent. "I'm glad I said it, even if it was kind of early."

"Normal people usually say it before they get married." I nuzzle against her, pulling her closer, ever so carefully. Doing my best not to disturb her healing wound, I hold her close, and I never intend to let go.

I'll be the overbearing husband, now. I'm never going to let her out of my sight, except when I absolutely have to, she'll have Dorian with her at all times. The bastard made me promise that he'll have at least one 'BFF'-night with her every week, without me in the house, or else he'd make a move on her. He was probably full of shit.

Liana tightens her hand in my hair. "Normal people probably don't threaten to kill their brides unless they say 'I do' either."

"No, but that probably turned you on," I tease. Her responding smile is the best thing I've seen in a while, and I hug her even closer. I inhale her scent, memorizing the feeling of her body against mine, as I close my eyes and enjoy the moment.

We're alive. We're together. We're...somewhat okay.

And even though it's been intense and wonderful, I know we've yet to have our finest moment.

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