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Cory drags me down through the different booths with candy and snacks, his eye set on this spinning wheel where you can win a huge gorilla. I hope he doesn't win, because I do not have room for that huge thing in my car. I'd have to call someone with a truck to get it back to his house.

I would do it, but it'd be easier to not have to.

"Look, Colt!" He points at the top of the wheel, where the gorillas are hanging, just waiting to be won. "Can I try it, please? I'll owe you my allowance for three months!"

"Here." I hand him a bill and he hands it straight to the lady on the other side of the counter. He's so quick, there's no point telling him he doesn't owe me anything back.

The lady taking his money and listening to his choice of number and color winks at me, and smiles. She's pretty, and her dark skin and tight curls look good enough to mess up for one night. Maybe I could come back later, after I've dropped Cory off.

My plan is short-lived when Cory suddenly yells so loudly I jump, my hand moving to the gun in the back of my pants. Upon further inspection, it turns out he's just won the grand prize, and I see the pretty girl sending me a secretive smile.

She fucking rigged it. I don't know how it's possible, but she did, and she's probably expecting me to thank her with a lot more than words. I kind of want to, too. Especially as her eyes moves south, and she licks her lips.

"Did you see that, Colt? Did you see?" My brother pulls on my sleeve and looks up at me with such joy, I forget all about the pretty girl and nod eagerly.

"I saw, Cory," I tell him, ruffling his hair with my fingers. The girl hands him the huge stuffed animal over the counter, and I roll my eyes. "Great, I'll have to call reinforcements to get that thing home."

The girl leans on the counter, without a doubt to bring attention to her cleavage. "He looks so happy, though," she says, smiling at me. "I bet it's worth it."

I raise a brow at her, but seeing that little boy carry the gorilla that's twice his size makes me smile involuntarily. "Yeah." I turn back to her and nod. "Thanks."

"My pleasure," she says, drawing out the word to make me understand her double meaning.

My lust for her lessens at how hard she tries, but I still make room in my plans to go back here for a quickie before I go home tonight. I need it. Especially after thinking about Liana's ass for a good few hours.

Cory's already long gone, and I groan as I pick up my pace to find the big gorilla again. I spot him talking to a man behind the cotton candy stand, and I jog over to make sure he doesn't smooth talk his way into something for free. Not that it's a bad thing, but mom always scowls at me whenever Cory tells her about it when we get home, so I try my best to avoid it.

"I like blue," Cory tells the guy, tilting his head to one side, "but I don't mind pink."

"Are you behaving, kid?" I try to keep my voice light and humorous, but I'm sure I sound as angry as ever.

"Yes, as always," he chimes, smiling up at me. "I wanted cotton candy."

I raise a brow, but I shift my gaze towards the guy behind the stand. "One with blue and pink, then," I say, holding up the money for it.

Just as the guy hands Cory the sugar, and Cory hands me the gorilla, I swear I see Dorian in line at the popcorn stand, and he's with someone. I thought I told him to look after Liana today, so if it is him, he's got some explaining to do.

I tug on my little brother's hand, bringing him with me as I carry his ridiculous prize. He's happily scarfing down pure sugar, and I'm really happy I can leave him with mom and Mark later today, when he's either on a high, or crashing from it. There are people everywhere, even if a lot of them have started waiting in line outside the circular tent, and finding Dorian again in the crowd proves to be a little difficult.

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