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My finger feels heavy. Both physically, and...not. The white gold band is thin, but so full of way too many unspoken things—promises I can't keep, that won't be reciprocated. I know I'll try my best to convince everyone here tonight that I love him, and I know that he won't risk his whole empire by not trying his best in return...but it isn't real.

The way Colton smiled before he said, "I do," made me nervous. I couldn't help but think it had to do with the 'until death do us part'-part. I know what he is, so knowing how I will eventually die isn't hard. Especially since our marriage is more of a business arrangement than a symbol of our love.

Ha. Love.

Like I could ever love a man who kills and tortures for a living. But then again, if he's not lying to me, my father was the exact same, and I'd probably be applauded for choosing a man with his...affinity for murder.

The night is young, and I'm officially married to Colton. My best and only friend is already drunk and hitting on anything with legs, while I'm seated by a table, a glass of red wine in front of me, and a deep emptiness inside my chest.

Yes, Colton is hot as hell and knows exactly what to do with his generous appendage, but being married is different than being fake-engaged. Just a few hours in, I've already noticed the change between us. My fate is sealed—we both know that—and I have no way out, besides death. I don't think I had that before, either, but it's set in stone now. It's heavier. Like a cloud waiting to empty its storm over my head.

Colton's given my hand a few kisses, after the big one at the ceremony that made my toes curl and my insides burn up. The judge uttered the famous 'you may kiss the bride'-line, and my groom put both hands on my cheeks, pulling me in for the best kiss of my life. I've chosen to ignore the fact that the air in my lungs disappeared when his lips met mine. I've deliberately thought about how the red roses everywhere look so pretty, instead of the way Colton stared into my eyes for a second and a half after our kiss sealed the deal. I counted. And then the applause slowly found its way into my ears, making me aware that we weren't alone.

Other than those hand-kisses, I haven't seen him much since the ceremony. Or, that's a lie.. I've seen him, but I haven't talked to him at all. We've shared looks while he's been talking to his parents and his friends, always holding a tumbler filled with amber liquid in his left hand.

I lock eyes with him again when I find him standing next to Rina and Callie by the bar. His white jacket is long lost, leaving him in black from the waist up. He's so fucking handsome it hurts my eyes, and my mind. He has no right to look this good, even with his hair so stupidly messy—stupidly hot and messy. There's a subtle quirk to his lips, and then his eyes move to my side, just as I feel something on my arm.


The small voice makes my heart stutter, and I smile as I look at Cory and his shiny, green eyes. "Yes, sweetie?"

"Mom says I have to go home now, so I had to say goodbye." He looks so sad, and I turn in my chair to face him fully as he asks, "Why are you sitting here alone? Aren't you happy?"

I bite my lip and try to think quickly. "Of course I'm happy," I tell him, then I lower my voice to whisper, "but I'm tired. There's so many people I don't know here, and so much noise."

He grins up at me. "I know, I'm kinda happy it's bedtime." His grin fades, and then he looks like he's had the best idea in existence. "You can come with me, and then we can just relax and sleep!"

My smile widens, a chuckle leaving my lips before I open my mouth to tell him how amazing that sounds—

"Sorry, little man, but she's sleeping with me tonight." My spine chills as Colton appears behind his brother, picking him up. "You leaving your brother's wedding already?"

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