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"Fuck," I groan as Dorian's fist hits my nose.

"Face it, boss," he chimes, "you've lost focus."

He hops from one leg to the other, his knuckles wrapped and up, ready for more. I snort as I wipe the smear of blood from my left nostril, and then I lunge, hitting his jaw. He grins at me, and as he opens his mouth, the door opens and we both turn around to look who interrupts.

It's Rina and Callie, the former looking more pissed than ever.

"I just checked on Liana," Rina informs us, or probably mostly me, "and she stinks. Has none of you idiots been nice enough to offer her a shower? Or clean clothes?"

"That's important for her wound not to get infected," Callie supplies, tilting her head. Her red hair falls over one shoulder, while she raises a strict brow towards me.

Neither of those women are afraid of me. But neither lacks respect either, so I let it slide.

"I'll take her to a shower," Dorian says, his voice full of unspoken promises.

My head whips around, and I hit him once more, in the eye this time. I hope it'll be black and blue and hurt like a bitch, and I smirk at him. "Thanks, I feel a lot better now."

The girls both sigh and share a look, while Dorian gives me a thumbs up with his free hand, the other one occupied by holding his left eye. The smug guy needed to be knocked down a few notches, and I'm happy to do it once in a while. Especially since it helps my anger issues.

As I open up a bottle of water and Dorian hangs the mats we used on the wall again, I look over to my second and her medic, a questioning brow-raise towards both of them.

Rina groans. "You're planning to gain her trust, and you can't even offer her a damn shower?"

She waves her arms around, and I catch Callie's smile as she looks at her. The two of them are badasses, but nauseating to watch. I'm glad they're not usually coming to me together, because I'd need a lot more sparring, and probably another partner to spar with, to get rid of the sweetness that coats everyone in the same room as them.

I huff. "She'll trust me."

"Oh, are you planning to take her to a romantic spring in the sunset, lay out your plan and hope she says yes?" The question is burning with sarcasm. "Or will you keep her in the cell until you're ready, and then hope she'll say yes?"

"It doesn't matter if she says yes," I counter, my voice deepening with annoyance.

"It does," Callie comments, smiling at me.

Air comes out of my nose, and I shake my head. It really doesn't matter, because she will say yes, unless she's still suicidal. I don't care what anyone else says, and I don't want to stay here anymore. So I grab my bag and turn to leave. When I meet Dorian's gaze, I mutter an apology, but he only grins in response.

"Let her clean up, Colt, or I'll shoot you," Rina says to my back as I leave the room.

It's probably not a bad idea, and I feel a tiny bit of disappointment that I didn't think of it. She's barely even alive, just skin and bones and a sharp mouth, and I didn't think to let her wash away the dirt from the street or the dusty building she sought refuge in.

I pull my gun out of my bag and step into the range just down the hall. The bag drops right inside the door, and after a quick check that the magazine is full, I aim at the target and fire ten shots. The vibrations from the weapon calms my blood, making it easier to think clearly.

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