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She's mine.

She's been mine for a couple of weeks, legally, but now she's mine in a whole new way. Her trembling body was so exhausted after only three orgasms last night—they looked like intense ones, but still.. I'll have to spoil her. Make her able to handle five or six before I fuck her until I find my own release.

Her little bruised body probably isn't in the best shape yet, so I'll have to try my best to be patient and wait until she's fully recovered from her life as homeless.

I'm so tempted to get out of my bed and join her in the shower, but I don't. Instead I lay here, the sheets barely covering my crotch as I listen to the sound of running water, and Liana's soft hums.

I didn't have to convince her to stay in my room last night—she went out like a light, completely unconscious, after her third climax. I laid her down and waited for a while without her waking up, so eventually I checked her pulse. When I was satisfied she was still alive, I went on with my day.

After way too many long hours of phone calls and paper work and emails back and forth between facilities and deals and Rina, Liana was still fast asleep under my duvet. So I did my best not to wake her as I snuck under there with her, and had the best damn sleep of my life—even better than at the beach house this weekend.

I put my hands up behind my head as I look up at the ceiling. My mind is incapable of thinking about anything other than my naked girl, just a wall separating us. As my lips move into a tiny smile, I swallow.

That's been happening a lot lately—the smile. I'm suddenly aware that I'm nowhere near as angry or grumpy as I usually am. I even tolerate Dorian's bad jokes more than usual, though that might be because Liana cares about him, and therefore will be hurt if I kill him. I close my eyes as I try to think it all through; willing myself to acknowledge every little thing about me that's changed since getting to know my wife better.

I don't even stress or worry about Kenneth and his detectives as much anymore. I should. Fuck, I really, really should...but why would I, when I'm finally knowing what's so good about sharing a life with someone?

When I'm finally happy?

The bathroom door opens just as that thought enters my mind, and when I see Liana wrapped in a towel, her hair wet and sticking to her shoulders, every stray thought about the police vanishes into thin air. All that matters is right here with me now, and I'll be damned if I'm not going to enjoy every moment of it.

"Come here," I say when her ocean blue eyes meet with mine.

Her cheeks darken, and I wish I knew if she was embarrassed or turned on—or both. Still, she comes over to the bed, and climbs up, laying her head down on my chest. I put one arm around her to hold her tight, while the other still rests behind my head.

It's the perfect moment.

"Your shower is very nice." She chuckles against my chest, her hand moving up to explore the dips and bumps across my abdomen. Normally, I'd make up an excuse to get the hell away from any woman trying to cuddle with me after sex, but this isn't even after sex, it's after sleeping together. The difference makes me narrow my eyes and contemplate the meaning, but then I lean forward and inhale her scent—my scent, on her—and I know she's it.

She's already my wife, but fuck, she deserves to be shown how much she's appreciated. How stupidly angry I am that someone withheld vital information from her, that made her life a living hell. How terribly sorry I am about all the shit she's been through. I want to give her anything she's ever dreamt about, and I want her to be so damn happy she can't ever stop smiling.

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