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Dorian laughs as he re-enacts the guy going over the wobbly line ten meters up in the air, arms outstretched and all. I can't hold my own laughter either, even if the whole situation is a little absurd.

He promised he wouldn't be in trouble, but we ran into his boss, and he didn't seem impressed that we were there. But oh my god, did he look great with that huge gorilla under one arm, and his other hand clutching the hand of a little boy.

He didn't lie to make himself seem softer, at least, but he did look out of place. The grumpy, dangerous older brother who'd do anything for his little brother. I liked that, but the fact that he threatened Dorian and I while holding a child's hand? No, I did not like that.

That bastard can suck a big fat—

I let out a big cry as I fall to the ground, curtesy of Dorian tripping over his own feet. For a muscly, badass guy, he's way worse than I am about knowing where all his limbs are—at least when his guard is down, and he's having fun. I groan in pain, closing my eyes to try not to focus on the throbbing of my palms and knees, and wrist.

"Sorry," Dorian says with a laugh. "Let's get back before Colt sees us messing around on the ground, he's already jealous enough."

I snort. "You don't return his affection?" I ask, trying to sound as ridiculous as possible to underline how crazy he sounds. As if Colton would be jealous. Though, it would explain his nonchalance in the showers, when we were both naked and soapy and wet, if he's gay.

Unless I just have way too much confidence in myself. I've barely eaten anything in months, and I'm probably not as sexy as I think I was before I was forced into my new life. It'd probably be easy to look away from my protruding bones.

And now I'm thinking too much.

"He's handsome and all, but too grumpy for me," Dorian says, getting up on his knees. He helps me up on mine, and then we get to our feet together, steadying each other. "I meant he's jealous that I'm making you laugh."

"Is this another part of his plan?" I question, arching a brow. "To make me lower my guard and think he's just a human being with emotions and vulnerabilities like the rest of us? No, he's a psychotic madman, and he's not jealous."

I don't know where my outburst comes from, but it feels good to let it all out.

"I'll tell him you said that, Li."

He chuckles, and as I mutter, "Shut up," he starts walking us back towards the road to where the guy with the car is waiting. That's something I still don't understand; a guy is just ready to take us anywhere whenever. Or, not us, but him. Them. Dorian said they all like to drive their own cars, but he didn't want to while I was attached to him. Which is understandable.

It was undoubtedly a day beyond my wildest imagination. I thought the shower was the high point, but I got it all wrong. The circus was amazing, I've never seen anything like it—that I can remember. And that includes the perfect image of Colton holding a giant stuffed gorilla. I just know the fact that I saw that makes him angry, which makes me feel even better about it.

He needs to be knocked down a few notches, and I'm going to make sure he is. That is, of course, if he even comes to see me again. He might not, and I'll be glad if he doesn't.

Well back in my cell, my wrist free of Dorian's, I sink down onto the mattress and smile. Even as a prisoner my life is ten times better than it ever was on the streets. Maybe even better than what it was before that; considering my meals are free—and somewhat mandatory—and I have warmth without needing to pay the electricity bills.

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