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That girl definitely has a mouth.

For being so small, she definitely has spirit. Not that I know how big or small she is based on that position in the corner alone. And not that I want to know either. I just want to get her out of my way.

Dorian nods at me as I enter the storage room he's named 'the break room', to look for some non-vibrating tools to make her tell me everything. I feel his eyes burning into my back as I rummage through the supplies for something to torture her with, and eventually I just grunt at him to make him speak.

"She didn't talk, I assume?" What a waste of words and time he is. I don't bother with a response, since he basically answered his own question with the assumption. Instead, I pick up some tongs, a hammer and nails—just because she mentioned it—and a few differently sized knives.

In addition to the gun in my pants, that should make a little girl like her squirm, and tell me everything. "Do you know where the shock pads are?" I ask, turning my attention to Dorian again.

He's sat on a chair, with his legs on the table as he's just casually sucking on a spoon. Even if he didn't have the yoghurt container in his hand, it wouldn't have been weird. It's just how he is, and I've learnt not to ask any questions, unless I want a long monologue about all his strange habits and why they're great.

He narrows his eyes, as if thinking it over. "Kinky, are we?"

"You're fired," I say, turning my back on him again.

He only chuckles. "Maybe some pleasure isn't a bad idea. Edge her until she can't take it, and then she'll spill all her family secrets," he muses, as if the idea was the most brilliant one in history.

It wasn't necessarily bad, but in order for her to feel pleasure, I'd need consent, and with the way she looked like she wanted to stab me, I don't think I'm going to get that any time soon. And I don't have enough time to play Romeo and Juliet.

"Pack your things and never show your face here again," I tell him, casting an annoyed look over my shoulder.

"But who would drive you crazy if I wasn't here?" The confidence that man has never ceases to amaze me, even if it gets on my nerves.

I just ignore him, that usually makes him stop. At least for a little while. So I keep looking for the pads, not really planning to use them as anything but scare tactics. That tiny body probably couldn't take the shock from that without breaking her entirely, and that's not what I want. Not yet.

Dorian walks up next to me, lifts a box on the bottom shelf and fishes out the pads I'm looking for. As I reach for them, he pulls them away, grinning.

"Got something up your ass today, Colt?" he asks, raising a brow.

I'm not going to fight him for them. That's a waste of precious energy I need to fix this shit. "Nothing other than the whole future of everything we both know."

I reach for them again, and he pulls back a step, still fishing for more. "So you're not thinking about how you could pleasure that girl into submission?" So that's where he's going with this. I cross my arms and stare at him, narrowing my eyes as a sign of impatience. I will hurt him if he doesn't continue that thought. And he does. "She's very pretty. If you don't want to play her knight in shining armor, be the bad guy, and I'll get her to talk."

The wink he sends my way makes my blood boil. "No." The answer is out of my mouth before I can stop it. Like a reflex. And I don't even know why I care, or why I can't let him and Rina torture the girl now that I've seen her and tried to talk to her myself.

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