Chapter 45 | Punish me

Start from the beginning

Damn, he looks so hot.

"Umm, it's in my room," I say, looking at the plastic gloves I was wearing with a cup in my hand.

"I'll get it, where is it?"

"Ah, sure. Right on my dressing table on the left as you'll enter," he nods again and disappears into the hallway. I wash the cup in a second, taking off my gloves now. I washed my hands, that's when it hit me.

My room.

My freaking room.

I turned my eyes to the hallway, hoping hopelessly that Jungkook didn't go in yet, but poor me. The door is already open and the lights are turned on. I run like crazy. The hallway has never felt this long before. The room is too far every time I step closer. As I enter the room, I knew I was fucked up.

Jungkook stood still, looking at the wall in front of him that displayed a number of his posters, pictures, and Polaroid pictures.

"Jungkook-" I went closer to him, but he never listened. His eyes look up and down, left to right, repeating the manner again and again. And suddenly, his eyes find a way to mine, deadly staring at me. I nibble on my lip, nervously. His gaze is killing me from inside. I walk even closer and stand in front of him, blocking the view of the wall from him, and I wrap his naked torso in my arms.

"I can explain," I whisper against his chest.

"No," he let it out coldly. I look at his face, unwrapping my arms from around him. He is staring right into my eyes. Within a second, he picks me up in his arms in a bridal style and I press onto his shoulder managing my balance.

"What are you doing?" I ask, as he walks out of the door and enters the other room. He doesn't respond, just carries me around. As soon as we entered the room, he kicked the door behind him with his foot and walked towards the bed. "Get me off, you'll get tired."

He finally lays me down on the bed, and when I think of sitting up, he is already leaning over me. Both of his hands are on either side of me along with his legs, making me remember the last time we were in bed in his room. My body suddenly shivered off the excitement in my blood.

"You lied to me so many times by now," he whispers.

"I can explain-"

"No," he says, cutting me off. "You will get punished for it first. After all, you have many pending." As soon as he ended his sentence, he dived into me, joining his lips to mine. The sudden touch of his skin to mine sent a shiver down my spine. He holds the kiss for a long time, finally releasing it to make me breathe.

"Jungkook-" I spoke while gasping. "Shshhh, no talking today."

He kisses me again, even more deeply as if he will get himself in my mouth. My mouth opened to its fullest as with every kiss he wanted more access to it. The heat against my lips drove me crazy. The room echoed with our long, everlasting kissing sound. I held his neck nape tightly, pulling him closer, while my other hand lingered around his arm. He suddenly grabs my lower lip with his teeth and stretches it making me moan. He gets back again, nibbling on my lips, without any break for air.

"Jung...kook," I cry out with my choked voice. He finally goes away, making me cough lightly. "You are going too fast."

"That's your punishment. You cannot complain."

He lets out a smirk and leans again but to my ear this time. He tucks the hair back with his finger and sniffs around my ear, with the tip of his nose touching the back. He plants light kisses on the back of my ear and moves to my lobe, gently holding it between his teeth.

"That did this." His sensitive touch made me remember the moment we had at the airport.

"I know," he whispers. "That was pretty bad, though."

He bites my lobe again, making me grip his neck even more tightly. His lips moved down when I felt a burning sensation against my skin. He gently licks my neck tracing it all the way down to my collarbone with a layer of his saliva. As his tongue dawdled along my neck, the heat suddenly felt like a cold prick on my skin. He finally takes his tongue in that has almost dried now, briefly panting on my collarbone. Little did I know wearing this tank top would be so delightful today.

Jungkook raises his head again to meet my eyes with his and locks our lips again. His kiss was now consuming and even hungrier than before. He nibbled at my full lower lip now, without letting any air get through our dead-locked lips. I bit his lips back, making him realize that he is not the only one doing the work. He lets out a light moan, and parts his lips, joining our foreheads.

"You..." he pants heavily. " me crazy all the time."

"If this is how you will respond, I won't stop." He hears and lets out a light snort. He finally stands on his knees and straightens his tired arms that were holding his body weight for a long time. His eyes never leave mine. His chest was beating fast from his short breaths and looked very appealing. He brushes his wet hair back with his fingers, and when he bows down again, I take the advantage.

I raise one of my knees and hit it right between his legs, making him groan. As he closed his eyes to let the light pain go away, I sat on my knees too. We both are on the same level now. He eases up from the pain to find me just a few centimeters away from him. I place both of my hands on his shoulders and whisper into his ear.

"Should I punish you for keeping me in the dark for so long?"

He lets out a sigh.

"Punish me for everything, today," he whispers back, wrapping his arm around my back.

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