Give Me A Royal Break

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Here We Go Again


Another Tuesday at Belle, with the wedding coming closer customers have been flooding the store and our phone lines. With none stop ringing and the racks going empty every few hours, I can surely say this is the busiest we have ever been.

And I thank God for that because being busy has also kept my mind busy. We all know I need to be kept that way.

Once the clock strike six, I left work and headed home immediately. Usually, my coworkers go out for a drink to 'ease their minds' from all the hard work but I, on the other hand, just go home. It's not like I have anything to do at home but I just rather be there than out.

It's been exactly two days since I last talked to Axel, I wasn't ignoring him, I have just been distant and we haven't had an actual conversation. I thought long and hard about what I was going to say or how I should even explain it. I know I want to tell him because if the tables were turned I would've wanted to know.

Overall, he also needs to know because I'm no longer going to the wedding. I even stopped working on the dress.

Returning home, I took a shower and gave myself a quick pep talk before calling Axel. Clicking the call button, I stood in my bathroom waiting for what seemed like forever before he picked up.

"Took you long enough mayonnaise," I said trying to lighten the mood

"Excuse me?!" I heard a woman semi-yell with a thick accent. Fuck me.

"Oh my, I'm so sorry, I probably got the wrong number. I swore I was calling- Maybe he changed his-"

"Wait! Are you Aurora?" She asked excitedly cutting me off mid-sentence.

Confused by her happiness, I said, "Um yes, How do you know-"

A loud squeal was heard from the other end of the phone, I legit had to move it away from my ear. Is this girl okay?

"It's me, Princess Kaya," Instantly my face dropped, I should've guessed. "Axel is in a meeting right now, but how about you come over to the castle? We're having a small family dinner and I just would love it if you could join us."

"No offence Princess but I don't think it's a good I-"

"Nonsense!" she said cutting me off again. Is this bitch for real right now?

"You're a friend of Axel and we would love for you to come. Any friend of Axel is welcome, sadly to admit, Axel is a bit of a loner so trust me. This will be a beautiful get-together. I'll be sending a car over for you, wear something a bit casual. Oh and this is a royal order so you have to come not buts." she said giggling.

"Casual? You sure about that?" I asked questioning the dress code she gave me.

"Yes TOTALLY! Us, royals are normal people too you know love. Now I must go, I have a few things to get ready for. Byeee" She sang before abruptly hanging up on me.

Wait... How the hell is this bitch gonna send someone to my place when she doesn't even know where I live. I know this bitch is crazy.

Letting out a sighing, I walked over to my closet and ran through everything I own, trying to find a suitable dress for the occasion. I don't want to go but she did use the royal order shit on me and I am a temporary citizen of this bloody island so I have to obey.

Rolling my eyes, I huffed, ready to give up, and then I spotted a white dress I had. It is a long-sleeved silk, thigh-cut dress. Immediately taking it off the rack I threw it on and checked myself in the mirror.

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