Chapter Ten

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Royal Pain


After Aiden and I spent some time with each other, he took me on a tour of the mansion and explained to me how he and his family used to live here before his mother passed. I was gonna asked how she died but by the sadness on his face, I realized it was a sensitive topic for him. 

We did watch a movie and ate lunch before he took me back into the city. We made a small stop at Belle, letting Miss Annabelle know that he was okay and that the situation was simmered. I did return to work even if it was for just the evening, just to make sure people knew I wasn't really getting any kind of special treatment. 

It is now Thursday, around seven pm to be exact, and I'm standing on the sidewalk waiting for a taxi that I ordered to come to take me home. Today was a long day, I finally got to do some training in the studio and let me just say those people work their butts off. 

A car stopped in front of me with the windows rolled down. 

"For Aurora?" I asked as I looked at the driver. 

Low and behold, I saw it was Tom, who nodded his head and smiled widely at me in confirmation. Tom was the old man that drove me from the airport when I first landed here. 

Getting into the car without hesitation, I said "Hey Tom, nice to see you again"

"Goodnight Miss Aurora," he said cheerfully, "How's the job treating you?"

"Good, everything been good so far," I said proudly.

"I'm happy to hear that," he said as he drove off leaving me in comfortable silence. 

As I was about to ask him how he has been, I heard my phone message tone go off. Reaching into my purse, I pulled my phone out and saw two messages from unknown. Unlocking my phone, I saw the messages and instantly laughed. Saving his number under his name and Cauliflower I smiled to myself just wondering how he figured it out.

"Met someone?" Tom asked

"No," I said laughing, "Why do you ask?"

"Just the smile on your face dear" 

"No no, this is my evil smile," I said looking at him through the rare view, "By the way, how have you been?" 

/At home/

After a fifteen-minute ride and listening to Tom proudly talk about his grandkids, we finally pulled up to my apartment building. I paid my fare and bid Tom a goodnight, I also gave him a small wave before he pulled off. Walking into my building I heard my phone go off again, I wonder who that could be.

*The bride doesn't want anyone in red, so I'm going in blood red. I'll take you shopping so we could find a dress to match my suit.*

*How did you figure out that I gave you the wrong number lol?*
*And can I design my own dress? I can get some cloth from Miss Annabelle. It will save us a meetup.*

I replied as I walked into the elevator, pressing my floor button. Not only would it save me a meeting with him, but this will also give me a chance to show off my talents. I know I'll have to work hard seeing that I have like four weeks to create my best work, but I know in the end it will be worth all the stress.  As the elevator reached closer to my floor, I heard my phone ding again. 

Axel/ Cauliflower
*Fine with me but I need to approve of your design before you start working on it. I can't have you standing next to me looking dull. The dress must be elegant and fit for the wedding. Just send me all the progress*
*I'll also talk to Annabelle to give you some better options*

Dull...Better options? Does this wigga really think I can't design something good enough...Huh, I'll show his ass.


*Ps. Don't disturb me if it doesn't concern the wedding. I'm a  very busy man."

"Yeah right..." I said leaving him on seen and walking out of the elevator.

Bout 'Don't disturb him', he's the one who texted me first. It's not like I wanted to talk to his Cauliflower looking ass anyways. What he needs to do is learn how to get his head out of his ass, thinking he's all that...Oh please. 

Opening my door, I walked inside and decide to get to work on this dress immediately, I'll show him what I'm capable of. Just as I was about to storm into my room, I stopped myself.

Standing in the hallway I held my head and just started laughing as if I'm crazy. What am I thinking? I don't have to prove anything...I can just take my time and create something suitable for my liking.


After I made myself some dim sum for dinner and took a shower, I decided to listen to some Doja Cat and started my sketching. As I was writing down how I wanted everything to blend, I started thinking about the colour scheme and realized what this douche told me. 

The bride doesn't want anyone in red, yet he's planning to wear it, why he is... Rolling my eyes I deiced to just ask him myself. Picking up my phone I dialled his number and waited for him to pick it up. It took two phone calls and the fifth ring for him to answer me. 

"Aurora...." he said low and dangerously... Now if this was someone else I would've thought that sounded hot but... it's Axel. 

"Why are we going in red if the bride doesn't want people in red?" I asked getting straight to the point.

Sighing, like I'm giving him problems he said "I'm in a meeting" then the phone cut off.

I know this gold spoon-fed man didn't just hang up on me just like that... Who in God's name has meetings at 8 in the night? Staring at my phone in shock, I shook my head and dialled his number again. He's not getting away easy like that. 

"What do you want?" He groaned

"Who the hell do you think you are to hang up on me like that? Just answer my question you cauliflower looking ass wigga" I semi yelled...semi

"Excuse me for a moment" I heard him say calmly. He was really in a meeting... my bad 

After a minute of silence, all I heard was...

"What the hell is wrong with you!!? I told you I was in a meeting!" he fully yelled back at me

"Yeah well, you didn't have to hang up on me like that. And I didn't believe you, who has  meetings at 8 in the night?" I argued 

"For bloody sake Aurora... I told you to only contact me about the wedding," he said. It sounded like he was getting calmer...

"This is about the wedding smarts," I said hoping he would just answer my question.

He stayed quiet for a moment before letting go of what sounded like a frustrating groan, then he said 

"Listen to me, Just make the bloody dress to match my suit, you don't need a god damn explanation. I'll talk to you when I get home."

And with that, he hung up on me again. God he was irritating, his smart ass could've just told me the reason. I admit I could've waited but... he did hang up on me rudely... I do feel bad for interrupting his meeting though.

Sighing I just laid back on my bed and close my eyes for a moment... this is gonna be one hell of a ride. He can't stand me and I can't stand him... how does Aiden expect this to work. 

Wedding timer: 1 month, 4 hours

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