Chapter Five

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It's been a week since the day I meet my angel, it has also been a week since I last heard from her. It's taking all the strength within me not to hire a private investigator just to find her, I know if I call her suddenly, she would get suspicious and think of me as if I'm a stalker or something.

I thought after that night, she would've called me by now but I guess I just have to accept the fact that I got ghosted. Sighing I looked at my phone again for the thousandth time, just hoping yet I'm faced with disappointment.

"Aiden" Axel called as he entered my room.

"I'm ready," I said getting up from my bed.

Axel and I have an appointment today to get our suites for the wedding, Axel also informed me that Aunty Annabelle, the woman who does all our tailoring, will make our visit confidential. Which sounds perfect if you asked me.

"Mmm, Joe is waiting for us," he said before leaving the room.

Since we're just getting our measurements taken today, I made sure to dress down. I had on a white polo sweater since it's a bit chilly outside and some black jeans. Walking out of the house I saw Joe holding the jeep door open for me.

"Thanks," I said as I sat, joining Axel in the back seat.

As Joe closed the door and I turned to see what Axel was doing. He was typing away on his phone and had an annoyed expression on his face...Nothing unusual. He usually has his face stuck on a computer or phone, meetings or calls. Since it is known he's the next in line for the throne, Axel tries his best to take his job seriously for the sake of the people.

I was never like that and never will be, he's the same way Father is. I take more of my mother, a free spirit who roamed the earth and made everything better. I'm a free spirit just like her, I love adventure and parties, I love spending time with my loved ones and dancing like there is no tomorrow. I'm not serious or cold like them.

"Why are you sad?" Axel asked snapping me out of my thoughts.

Shaking my head I looked away from him and looked at my phone that was in my hands.

"I'm not"

"You are, you look gloomy," he said

Looking back at him I saw his head was still stuck to the screen of his cell..."How will you know?"

"Just because I'm busy doesn't mean I don't look at you," he said raizing his eyes to look at me.

I just scoffed at his words and said the first thing that came to my mind,
"She hasn't messaged or even call."

Shaking his head, a smile grew on his face as he looked back down and said "It was expected, She sounded like trouble"

"You don't know her," I immediately defined her.

"Neither do you," he said harshly.

I just chuckled and placed my hand over my mouth. I swear sometimes I wonder what made him this way. Where's the fun full of excitement Axel? The one who wanted to explore the world and speed down the freeways. That's the brother I miss having around me.

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