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"So you guys are next?"

The question that draws my attention away from the cuff links I'm trying to fasten belongs to Theo, Louis' best friend and business partner.

And Rigby's honorary brother.

"I'm not sure, honestly." Finally fastening the small link on my wrist, I match his gaze. "You know we haven't even set a date yet."

When we came back from Ireland almost six months ago it was like I was living inside of a dream. Our trip was most definitely the best trip of my life, complete with some of the best memories I think I would ever have. Rigby meeting my parents. Getting engaged. The sex.

I remember when we finally left that AirBnB in Galway and made it back to the one we had rented in Mullingar, and fuck, that would haunt my dreams for the rest of my days.

Her smile that night could end any war and that's a hill that I am willing to die on.

If celebrating with my parents in Ireland made her happy when we got home the celebrations felt endless. Rigby had never been so busy and I loved her for how she handled each and every person who congratulated us or asked us to dinner to celebrate.

One night when we were laying in bed she looked over at me and said she didn't want to plan our wedding  anymore and at the same time gave me a heart attack.

Once she noticed the panic across my face she quickly backtracked — explaining to me what she was talking about.

Ever since we got back we had been hounded by questions.

Do you have a date?

Have you picked a venue?

What about the dress?

Will you get married in a church?

It was like they never seemed to stop and apparently they had been having a bigger toll on Rigby than I had imagined. She explained that there wasn't anything in this world that she wanted to do other than marry me, to take my last name, but she wanted to do it on our terms.

As she talked to me I could see the way her shoulders relaxed almost as if it had been weighing her down, taking a long breath as her words spilled out of her at a rapid pace.

Therefore we decided, together, that we were just going to play by ear and when the time came that we would go for it.

Being engaged was enough for us.

She was enough for me.

All day, all night

"I know. Was just thinking maybe you guys had decided on something finally." He shrugged on his suit jacket, looking at me through the mirror of the groom's suite. "We're all ready."

I laughed as I buttoned my suit jacket in the middle, rolling my eyes. "Fuck, you think you are ready? We've been together for almost a year and a half.. And yes, my ass is counting the months we were broken up. Fuck off."

"I can't believe it's been that long, it seems like yesterday that I met you at Christmas... When you gave me the cold shoulder at first." He jokes as Louis comes out of the bathroom, looking between the two of us.

"Can't believe I'm really getting married today." His voice is loud, his accent thick as he stands with his hands on his hips. "You don't think she's going to not show up do you?"

Welcome to the last two weeks of being one of Louis' groomsmen, which, hello?

When Louis asked me I was pretty sure I cried to Rigby when I got home, just feeling overwhelmed with the idea that Louis considered me someone that he was close enough to stand by him on a day like this.

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