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Over the last few months I don't think I had ever really felt as happy as I do right now.

Everything had been so good between Niall and I, only your regularly scheduled bickering between couples, nothing they ever led to anything we couldn't laugh and say 'I love you' over at the end.

It's been quiet at work recently too, well, up until right now as June sits in my office.

"What's up?" I smiled at her, trying to hide the nerves that were swarming my stomach.

Sitting in the chair in front of my desk, she crossed her legs and rolled her ankle a couple of times. For a brief second my gaze fell to my desk — the pictures that have come to live across it.

Niall and I at a Boston Red Sox game.

Niall with me on his back as we were both laughing, a picture that Harry took when we all went to the zoo.

A picture of Niall golfing, his ass just looked too good to not have it on my desk to look at throughout the day.

Us at Leo and June's engagement party.

Then there was my favorite picture, one that has been here from the beginning.

Niall and I from the awards banquet all those months ago, both of us with the brightest smiles.

"So, I hate to tell you this." I could feel my palms start to sweat as she bit down on her bottom lip. "You're going to have to pack up your office."

There wasn't a way to stop my jaw from dropping as the tears flooded my eyes, instantly making my brain scramble for something to say.

Anything to save myself and my job.

"I can try and change my hours back, I—"


Not even stopping myself, I continue on trying to name off things that I could do in order to save my job.

"Rigby!" The sharp tone of her voice brings me out of my rambling, looking at her with my wide eyes. "You need to pack up your office because... You need to move to the bigger office, I nominated you for a promotion and they accepted."

I just stared at her, eyes wide with my mouth wide open. "Are you fucking joking me?"

Shaking her head back and forth as we both stood up, she held her arms out as she brought me into them and squeezed me.

"Is it safe to come in?" The familiar voice from around the corner made me turn to the door. Niall.

Looking up, there he is standing in the doorway with the biggest bouquet of flowers I had ever seen, a bag from our mediterranean place, and way too many fucking balloons.

Dressed in jeans and a chambray top, his white high top converse, with a braided belt across his waist.

Lucky. Lucky. Lucky.

"You knew about this?!" I wiped the tears from my face, trying my hardest to avoid wiping my makeup off my face while sniffling. "You could have warned me!"

Coming up to my desk and setting the things down, he leaned in to place a kiss against my lips. "Yeah, but where's the fun in that? Congratulations, clover love. I'm so proud of you."

"When did this all happen, like, how did I not fucking know?" Both of them knew and I'm assuming they knew for a while, this isn't something that just happened overnight.

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