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"Seriously, you've got to be fucking kidding me." I huffed, trying to get my jeans on over my ass as I hopped in place in my bedroom, trying to get ready after getting the phone call from Niall.

What the hell was that dream?

No really, what was it?

I would rather play in oncoming traffic than address the fact that I just had a dream about some blue eyed, brunette Irishman who is my friend giving me the best oral of my life while I sat on top of the desk in his office.

Feeling my cheeks heat at the replay in my mind as I finally got my jeans on and reached over for the pile of t-shirts I needed to fold and put away, my fingers gripping the thin material of the old worn John Mayer shirt before pulling it over my head and leaving my disheveled post-nap hair all over the place.

With my phone in my pocket and my keys in hand, I quickly pulled my hair up into a half assed messy bun to keep it out of my face before slipping on my simple black high top Converse to slip out the door and head to this game.

Niall had sent me the address and he was indeed correct, the field was only about ten minutes away from my apartment which would make the drive easier knowing I wouldn't have to try and take any major highways during rush hour.

Normally on the way home from work I got stuck in traffic for at least twenty minutes, except today I left work early because I had a throbbing migraine and couldn't bring myself to focus on anything that I was doing. When I walked into the apartment, I quickly shed my clothes and changed  into a pair of sleep shorts and a sports bra and fell asleep on the couch shortly after taking some Excedrin with Hannah Montana playing quietly in the background.

For some reason, I have been getting a lot of headaches recently. So much so, that on the way home from work I made sure to make an appointment with my primary care physician to get everything checked out. Partially because of me and mostly because of June, saying she would kill me if I didn't, and I couldn't have that. Lou would be pissed.

It was like a snap back to reality hearing Niall on the other end of the phone line, telling me about this game. What really brought my attention out of the gutter it wanted to take the permanent residence of, was Niall mentioning that technically it was his game. His game?

Pulling up to the location Niall had dropped to me, the parking lot was packed full of other cars. The large black building seemed to be an indoor sports complex of some kind, the front of the building had two large double doors with people going in and out carrying large duffel bags mostly.

Making my way towards the door, I checked my phone to make sure Niall hadn't texted me because I had no fucking idea where I was going or what I was even looking for. Upon entering, my eyes darted around and took in everything.

In front of me, a large turf area was marked with the white lines to resemble a soccer field. Players were warming up and stretching, one team wearing red and white while the other was black and a lighter teal color. Bleachers were built along the sides, some people already had filed into some seats talking and laughing amongst themselves.

Anxiously my eyes traveled over the players looking for Niall or Harry, not noticing either one of them as I stood there looking like an absolute moron and deciding where to go in the meantime.

"Rigby!" The slightly familiar deep British accent flowed through the air, causing me to turn around to see Harry jogging up to me. He was wearing a pair of black running shorts accompanied with a gray shirt with the sleeves cut off. Unlike the last time I saw him, his chestnut curls were held back by the blue hat he had on.

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