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"So this random guy just gave you his sweater? And walked you home? What if he shows up at your door, ready to kidnap you and turn you into the next Netflix original documentary?" Waving her arms at me and cocking her brows as she jutted her chin out, June looked at me with her seafoam green eyes widened, yet another emphasis on my stupidity.

"Because if that happens, when I get my moment of fame I'm going to say that it was nice knowing you." Finishing off her statement with a shrug, she turned her back to me as she paid for her coffee.

June and I met at Bryne and Klein about six months after I started, initially she intimidated me with her wild attitude and quick wit..  But Truthfully it was her resting bitch face that scared everyone the most. Once you managed to get close to her though, she was softer than that damn snuggle bear from those laundry detergent commercials.  She was born and raised in New York City, only coming to Boston when she applied to be the head of our office, landing the job without a single hesitation.

"Okay, I promise I'll keep an eye out, don't worry. I would say he didn't seem like the stalker type but you know.. That's what I said about that one guy and we see how well that worked out."  I said, rolling my eyes as my hand wrapped around the cup, feeling the heat radiate through to my hands which always managed to be cold, even now in late August.

"True which is why I'm saying, it was nice knowing you.  So tell me about the date..  Like how was it?" She peered over her cup at me, wiggling her eyebrows suggestively.

"I mean, I feel like the night speaks for itself.." I mumbled, looking across the street as the office came into view from the coffee cart we stopped by every morning. "If getting caught in the rain and helping some Irish dude with his homework is more exciting to talk about than the actual date, that should be the answer, don't you think?" Looking sideways, I caught June's gaze as her look of amusement met my look of annoyance.

"Was it really that bad? Listen, I promise I won't play matchmaker anymore.. This is my third strike anyways, I think I may have learned my lesson." Her hand shot out in front of me, wrapping around the brass handle of the glass door leading into the office, only to extend her left pinky once we were inside the doors. "Pinky promise I won't send you on any more blind dates."

Locking my left pinky with her, laughter tumbled from my lips at her admission of defeat. June had definitely managed to set me up on a couple of the worst dates of my life, that I was without a doubt one hundred percent sure of. "J, he might as well have been dressed  as a red flag. He literally tried to mansplain women's rights to me, like I don't come equipped with a whole ass vagina? What the fuck. How do you even do that? Clearly, you didn't check his voter registration card before signing him up to go on this date."  Cocking my eyebrow, I couldn't help but laugh at the look that spread across her face and wide eyed expression as we continued our track, making our way to the elevator to make it to our floor.

"No fucking way. That's even worse than the guy that tried to guess what your body fat percentage was after you ordered a burger when he ordered a house salad with fat free ranch dressing. Yeah, right. Like I said, I quit." Shaking her head, we took a turn down the hallway that led to where our offices were situated.

I met June when I first started working for Byrne & Klein, back then I was scared shitless and thought I was going to get fired every other day for one reason or another. June was the head of the office and held herself with pride and power, never one to back down from anyone or anything without voicing her opinions, something I admired the most about her.

Our friendship all started over one thing.. It was later in the evening and I had a few files I needed to get sorted out and I just knew everyone in the office had alreadyleft for the day, so when I connected my phone to the speaker I kept on my desk and decided to blast Believe by Cher the absolute last thing I expected was for someone to burst through my office door. Not only did June burst into my office almost making me piss my pants, but she busted through that door like Cher herself was hiding out in my office.

STILL | NH |जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें