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I dropped Niall off at his place, but only after I contemplated driving the car into a tree on the way there to take myself out of my own embarrassing misery.

What in the actual fuck, Rigby?

Kissing Niall was an accident, I will never know what in the actual fuck came over me in that moment.

That man has become one of my best friends, it didn't matter how his body pressed against mine felt or how warm and soft his lips were when they moved against mine.

Truly, it didn't matter anyways. It couldn't matter.


He was my first thought when I got home, how would I tell him that I had kissed Niall? He fucking hates Niall already, that much is clear.

When he saw me with Niall at his birthday, I don't think I had ever accidentally made someone that mad before. Especially not so mad that they stormed out of a club, thinking I had kissed Niall even after I explained that's not what happened.

Now look where we're at, way to go dumbass.

Stripping out of the golf clothes I searched for for over an hour last night, I turned on the shower not even waiting for it to heat up before stepping under the water.

Gasping at the cold water, it was like taking a polar plunge and took my breath away as I let it wash over my back as I tried to get a grip on my own reality. Reaching for my shampoo, I lathered it between my hands and breathed in the light pear scent as I worked it through my hair before repeating the same process with my conditioner.

Of course the water heated up which was a welcome feeling against my muscles that I just knew would be sore in the morning. Although I was active, regularly taking the time to go to yoga classes and go running, golfing was a different type of exercise and I just knew that I would pay for it in the morning.

I closed my eyes and thought about the way my body felt against Niall's. I wanted to hate how it felt and I wanted to hate how much my heart was racing as his lips brushed against the shell of my ear when he spoke to me. The way his deep voice rumbled in his chest with a slight rasp to it, I don't even want to think about him telling me I was doing perfect for him. Nope. Not going to do it. .

There wasn't anything I could hate about him.

Well, except the fact that he never once hit his golf ball into the water.

That was rude of him.

Letting out a long sigh, I stayed in the shower just long enough to wash my face before getting out and wrapping a towel around myself and going through my skincare routine.

How could I be so careless today? I had spent most of the day trying to ignore the way I felt like I was being drawn to Niall, the tension was thick from the moment we got to the golf course and I had no intentions of trying to make it seem lighter, playing into it all day and finding myself relishing in the feeling.

When I dropped him off, he swore everything was fine and that it wasn't a big deal. So maybe there really wasnt anything to be freaking out over.

Friend's kiss friend's sometimes, right?


Padding across the hardwood floor into my bedroom with my towel still wrapped around me, I pulled on some sweats and a sports bra before picking my phone up off the nightstand and turning it over to see a few texts.

1 Audio Message

2 iMessages

4 Text Messages

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