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"Are you ready for tonight?"

Walking out of The Bunk Off, Harry had his arm around Margo, directing the question towards me.

I shrugged. "I mean, as ready as I'll ever be."

Tonight was the start of the adult league, which if I'm honest, is really an excuse to do something and then go out for drinks after.

"Well, we are gonna be there.. Sad Isaac got a new job, that him and Dani moved." He reached into his pockets, pulling out his keys to unlock the tiny ass vintage car he drove. "Rigby is coming right?"

Nodding as I mirrored his actions, unlocking my car. "She said she would be, so I'm assuming that hasn't changed."

Margo climbed into Harry's car, leaving us both standing in between the two vehicles. "Glad she supports you, ya know?"

I did know.

And I also knew what he was referring to, who he was referring to.


I'm all the years that I managed to find myself involved in any kind of league, she might have come to three games.


She claimed that she would come but rarely ever actually showed up, something always managing to come up when in reality she just never really cared enough to come in the first place.

"I know, she's... Yeah." Smiling over at him as his back rested against the door of his car, he kept my gaze steady.

"So things are still good?"

Without a moment of hesitation, I nodded. Everything that was going on with Rigby and I was something that it seemed like it was easy.

I found myself thinking more and more about how we were just friends and how much I wanted to make things with her more than that.

She was more than just a friend with benefits, so much more.

My mind raced constantly with thoughts of her.

Whether it be her mossy green eyes, the way her laugh filled every one of my senses, the way her fingers danced across my skin when she fell asleep next to me.

Thinking about asking her to be more made me more nervous than I think I would ever like to admit. I had rehearsed it countless times in my own head, a script that was committed to my memory more than the lyrics to my favorite song by The Eagles.

Originally in my delirious mind, I thought about doing it the night of her gala although the more that I thought about it, that wasn't a night for us, it was a night about her.

Just her.

So that would have to wait.

I'm brought out of my own mind when I feel something hit me.


Rubbing the side of my head, I returned the gesture to him. "Oi! What was that for?!"

He held his arms out to his side, jutting his face forward to look at me with wide eyes. "Hello? Your fucking brain wandered off into Rigbyland."

"Sorry, just thinking." Smiling at him, I watched as he reached for the door handle to the small white car. "I'll see you around seven thirty?"He nodded before giving me a wave as he crawled into his car, almost making it look like a clown car with how tall he was.

Arriving at my place just after five, all the lights were off shrouding the space in darkness and a tell tale indicator that Rigby hadn't been here. It was like clockwork that she would always tend to leave one single light on whenever she had been somewhere, a habit.

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