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"Okay so I will get these files for you and we will continue on with the account. I'll make sure everything is filed properly, you will be hearing from me soon if that sounds alright?" Looking over my desk at the men in front of me, I stood up and smoothed my hands down the front of my dress before holding my hand out to shake both of theirs.

Standing up opposite of me with a hand outstretched and ready to take mine, the older of the two reciprocated it first. "Of course Ms. Watkins, thank you so much for your hard work. We really appreciate you and all the work you do for Bradford Enterprises."

"It's no problem, you know you are my favorite client." Pointing at Mr. Bradford and his younger colleague with a raise to my brows in a joking manner, I opened the door to my office. "Have a good day, call if you need anything."

With a simple nod and a wave, they both headed off towards the exit as I turned and walked back to my desk, plopping down in the chair before resting my head on my desk. It was almost noon and my entire day was lined up with meetings, which makes today the worst kind of day to have a migraine that was making me nauseous every time I stood up.

"So, how's it going with Mr. Bradford?"

Looking up, June was standing in my doorway as she made her way to lean on my desk. "Fine, he's one of the easiest going clients."

"I know, plus they love you." She looked down at me with a slight frown on her face. "Another migraine? Rigby, did you go to the doctor yet? You've been getting them all the time recently."

Concern was laced within her voice as I peered up at her. "No, I haven't."

"Dude, I told you to go. Why haven't you gone?" Crossing her arms she looked down at me with a scowl across her face.

"I've just been busy and keep forgetting to do it." Truthfully answering her, I closed my eyes as a wave of nausea passed through me.

"I love you, but go home and get some rest.. Call the doctor and make an appointment, okay babe?" Her eyes were soft, filled with care for me as I looked at her.

"I can't just cancel all my meetings.." I said groaning at the idea of having to reschedule everything and work around the meetings I already had lined up in the next few weeks.

"Well, lucky for you.. I don't have any today, are you comfortable with me taking over for you?" Asking me, she came around and pulled the stack of files off my desk before flipping through them. "I promise it's not a big deal."

Closing my eyes, I debated the proposition she had laid out in front of me. I could go home, take some medicine, and just watch a couple movies in bed.

"Okay, okay." I said, lifting up and swallowing down the bile that felt like it was rising in my throat. "I'll go." Quickly texting Brandon, I asked him to bring me some soup and medicine to my apartment, smiling softly when he said he would love to.

"Good." Tucking my files under her arm, she stood and waited for me to grab my bag as she walked with me to the door.

"So the Armonda account, they have a bal—"

"Rigs, look at me." Meeting her seafoam green eyes, she looked at me as she rested her hand on my shoulder. "I got it. Go home, text me when you get there so I know you didn't stroke out on the way home, okay?"

"Alright, alright." Sliding my sunglasses on my face to shield my eyes, knowing that even the office lights were killing me. "I'm leaving. Love you."

With a final goodbye from her, I headed out towards my car, checking my phone on the way to see a text from Niall.

It had been a couple weeks since we had gone golfing and we hadn't really had the chance to see each other since then. Coincidentally, that also means it had been a couple weeks since Brandon and I had sex and I was still debating on how to go about that.

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