A Jinchuriki's mission

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"Now Y/N, I don't need to tell you to avoid trouble cause you're usually a calm person but I will tell you to be careful, there are a lot of dangers in our world and though you've seen most of them, it's not the same as actually experiencing these things. But with the knowledge you have,the knowledge I gave you and Kurama inside you, I know you'll be fine."

I gave him an understanding nod "Yes Minato Sensei"

Naruto's father smiled brightly at me "Good,I also want you to take something of mine with you" He began to untie his headband and gave it to me along with one of his kunai.

I looked at both items in disbelief "Why? I don't deserve any of them"

Minato shook his head "think of it as a thank you for accepting this mission and to remember me by when things get tough. Now it's time to get going kid, I'll be watching"

"Thank you Sensei..." I practically whisper.

Before I could say anything else, another bright explosion occurred and my body was apparently being pulled in a certain direction... It was so sudden and fast that I felt like my skin was going to get ripped off. Then something even stranger happened; I suddenly stopped and stated getting pulled in the opposite direction. This was much worse and I had to keep my eyes tightly shut the entire time for fear that they would pop out of my head if I opened them. Eventually I feel the pull stopping and I gradually fall into darkness.

Time skip

(Just to be clear,bolded texts indicate Kurama as the one speaking)

'Oi...brat,wake up'

'Ughh.... five more minutes...'

'Kid,wake up!'

'Shut up and lemme sleep dude...'

'Oi!!! You dang brat,wake up already!!'

I woke up with a loud gasp, breathing heavily before becoming aware of my surroundings. I was apparently in a dark space with water on the floor.

Wait,water on the floor? That means I'm in...

'Don't forget about me kid'

I turn around to see a pair of piercing red eyes staring back at me,a set of sharp teeth and dark orange fur. I then realized that I was staring at Kurama,the Nine Tailed demon fox... Or at least half of him.


The giant fox nodded at me. I then noticed he wasn't in a cage like he usually was.

'Yes, I'm Kurama the Nine Tails and you're my new jinchruriki Y/N... Any other obvious things you want to state?'

Oh boy,so this is what Naruto has to constantly deal with. I tried to keep myself from groaning and rolling my eyes.

'What happened?' I asked scratching my head.

'Well I have a little bit of bad news... We seemed to have veered off course'

'Wait,what?!' I asked in panic.

'We're not going where we're supposed to. We were supposed to be transported to the leaf village but we pulled to completely different direction'

I was still a little confused by the new piece of information. I tried to look past it and ask the next sensible question.

'So where are we heading now?'

'I don't know but we're about to land... Hang tight kid'

After a few turbulent sensations,the place settled down. But I still had concerns.

'Wait,if we're in my mind space, doesn't that mean my physical body is what took the fall? I'll wake up with injuries' I pointed out.

'Don't worry kid,I coated you with my chakra on impact,your body's fine'

Wow, Minato Sensei was right,this half of Kurama is at least more considerate than the one I'm used to seeing.

'Thanks,I should probably wake up and check out where we are...'

'Wait kid. Before you do,you should run through your ninjutsu once or twice before you step out,since you're still somewhat new to the whole thing.' Kurama advised.

He was actually right, I've practically studied ninjutsu over the years,given how I know almost all the handsigns and their combinations (yeah I'm a Naruto geek,sue me),but since I've never actually executed them so practicing with Kurama was a pretty good idea.

I let out a sigh 'Okay,what are we doing first?'

'For now let's do something simple. Do the shadow clone jutsu' Kurama instructed.

20 minutes later...

'Well kid,I have to say I'm impressed' Kurama complemented,which was really rare for the fox.

'Thanks,I guess watching Naruto paid off after all' I smiled sitting on the water covered floor. I ran through the shadow clone jutsu, Rasengan and multi shadow clone jutsu before we called it quits. I was a little upset that we didn't do the rasen-shuriken... That was my favorite technique from Naruto.

'Alright kid, it's time to wake up before someone robs you... Though I doubt anyone can' Kurama said, going back to sleep.

I smiled 'Thanks Kurama... See ya!'


I groaned out as I began to try and open my eyes. Eventually I did and saw that I was outside an alleyway. Sitting up I looked at myself only to see that I had my original clothes on. I scratched my head in confusion till I noticed a backpack with the leaf village symbol on it next to me. Opening the backpack,I saw the clothes Minato have me,along with the headband and kunai. I smiled at the fourth hokage's kind gesture "Leave it to Minato..." I mumbled.

I picked up the backpack and decided to look around. This was definitely not the leaf village,it was way too modern. But something felt familiar about this place... Really familiar. After walking around and trying to identify where I'd seen this place before I heard a voice.

"What makes you think Captain Man is in a junk store?"

I'm sorry, Captain Man?

I was about to conclude that Captain Man wasn't real but then I remembered that I'd had a talk with the fourth hokage less than an hour ago,and he wasn't supposed to be real. I just decided to follow the voice. I got to a store that looked dangerously familiar... I looked up slowly to see if there was a sign on top of it.

"Junk 'N' Stuff"

No way...

I looked at the door and saw a familiar face.... A lot of familiar faces actually.

But the one in front of me caught my attention the most.



Author's note:

Guys please take it easy on me this is my first ever fanfic and if you can't already tell it's a Naruto/Danger Force fic. I just hope people like it.

Sayonara for now

- Zetsu

Across Dimensions-A Space Time Adventure (Chapa X Reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz