X. Against the destiny.

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Hyuuga took a deep breath, trying not to burst in tears.
Uchiha was standing there with all her friends, wearing black, fighting clothes and sword with the symbol of the family — the red fan. Despite the awful treating he experienced, his posture, voice and gaze were filled with power and confidence. She couldn't believe her own eyes... They managed to free him. The lost hope came back, lavender pale pupils shined again, focused on the miracle. Or was it just the matter of destiny? The air was tensed from the energy. The same like that day.
"The pure, lavender flower and the red from blood fan were written to each other."
The vision didn't mean Okada, who was known from his red hair and speed faster than wind. The vision knew about the power of Uchiha, whose strenght hid in their legendar sharingan eyes and the will of fight. Hiashi understood how wrong he was in his judgement.
Suddenly an evil, mad laugh echoed through great hall with the sound of clapping hands. It was Touma, who wiped off a tear from the corner of his eye and put hand on his stomach. When he stopped, all present guests silented. They watched at him in confusion, waiting. Okada took ginger hair from face and looked at the opponent, who sent him a death glare. With bitter smirk, the groom said:
"Look who decided to join us today. I thought you should be in the cell? Isn't it the place for criminals? Broking bones to that poor man should be enough for you, Uchiha. Why do you bother me and my beautiful bride in such moment? Where are the guards when the prisoner ran away?"
— Stop playing fool, Okada. We all know I didn't do that. And who actually did. Our friends found proves. You are not that clever as you think.
After these words the hall became silent. Sasuke had to play along, hoping that the man will confess. This was the needed proof.
Even if he looked calm, groom's eyes showed the anger. Uchiha pulled the right string.
"Hmm... Interesting. You, the prince on white horse, accuse me in front of all these people at my wedding. So what's next? You're going to put me in cell? Find the justice? If yes, so where is mine? After ages of being under Uchiha's and Hyuga's foot, We, Okada family can't be on the top? After all these humiliations? No, Uchiha. We, Okada, take what's the best. At all costs. And won't stop, even if it took thousands to curse, break bones or die. Whole families if that's needed. Even the greatest Uchihas and precious Hyuga women. That's our justice."
The time stopped that moment. That was the confession noone expected to hear... That day there were no bandits on track, no unlucky coincidences. Okada. They were responsible for death of Sasuke's parents and Hinata's mother. They caused the pain and break of innocent children. They were the ones, who without hesitation took all from them. Family, warmth, love, protection. Judged them for loneliness. Monsters in human body.

Suddenly, the glass in windows blowed overpowered, the bride fell on her knees with hands clenched in fists. Her face was covered under long strands of dark hair. Tears were running through pale cheeks, but made no sound. Her hands were shaking, just like pounty lips, willing to scream. Then, she stood up and looked at him.
Her skin around eyes revealed the web of perky veins, so kindly lilac pupils showed the rage and hidden, legendar power.
Power of Byakugan.
Noone could understand what happened next. Hinata ran to Touma with burning fists, giving the punch that could easily make a hole in his body, if he didn't escape in last moment. Sasuke ran to them with sword out, his eyes turned crimison red. His way of fighting was much different than before, more fluent and decisive, just like he could see the next moves of the opponent. Hinata took offered by Mei ornamented, resembling claws daggers and cut off the lower part of the wedding dress, ready to fight seriously. Hyuuga and Uchiha fought together the man, who turned out to be more skilled than he showed during the second task. He was fast enough to make ducks, but not enough to fight back.
Okada jumped aside and took out his blade, willing to attack Sasuke, but ex bride was ready to take him from the other side. Her moves were hypnotizing, fast and light, just like dance, but deadly dangerous one. Hyuuga's skin shined, long hair flew around, but didn't seem to be a burden. Uchiha dodged and joined his lady, amazed how great fighter she had been. Why did she hide such talent? How did she learn that? He surely would ask that later.
In the meantime, all groom's family stood up and took weapons, starting the battle in the middle of the Great Hall. The blood covered the carpet of white rose petals, the silence replaced sounds of fight and shouts.
They were ready for such situation, Hanabi and Shino organized the evacuation for children, unarmed women and elders, taking them to the library, while the rest were fighting with mad Okada clan members. Even Naruto, who didn't let them took him from the hall, rode like crazy on his wheelchair, cutting people under knees and attacking from behind. Noone even thought about stopping him. Then Ino from Yamanaka clan, who was their friend, ran from her seat and joined him.
"I can't believe you didn't get me into this! I was stuck with this prick instead, when you did such important thing without me! How could you!"
She shouted angrily to Uzumaki, cutting the next opponent in stomach.
"Sorry, Ino-chan, I'll make it up to you!"
He pleaded the woman, who was always special to him, but never had a chance because of her father. Naruto tried to forget, find the replacement, but no one was her. That was the reason why he took part in trials.
"We'll see! Firstly, you promised to Hinata and now? I heard about that medic girl and I don't like it at all, Uzumaki!"
"I don't want to be another Lord Kakashi! If you are taken, what should I do? There is noone like you..."
Naruto groaned, piercing another man in back. On Ino's face showed blush.
"I'm not anymore, Naruto. I objected my father. I wanted to tell you in
different circumstances. "
For this words Uzumaki's eyes shined brightly in hope and she took his hand in hers.
Meanwhile, Sasuke and Hinata managed to weaken Touma, who lost his previous speed and weapon, but still didn't surrender. His opponents also were getting tired from such long fight, both were wounded and Hyuuga's old, knee injury gave its signs.
Suddenly, the man changed tactic and attacked Hinata. Sasuke's rage even rose, he tried to take it all on himself, but their enemy stubbornly kept going against the woman. Other Okada members started attacking Uchiha, leaving him thirty meters from fighting woman. In one moment Touma disarmed her, the knives fell on the wet ground far from her. Hyuga was stepping back, when unexpectedly she slipped on blood and rapidly fell on the injured knee with loud scream.
— HINATA! —  Sasuke shouted and ran to her.
When he got there, Touma was holding Hinata in front, one hand clenched on her neck and another took her head, ready to broke the neck.
"No step further, Uchiha. That's where the game ends. I'm ready to break her pretty neck and my man is prepared to shoot you both. Now, my lovely bride. We are all ready to hear your promise. It's our wedding, isn't it? Now, say it. You have a minute or I'll let you see your precious Uchiha die first."
— Don't do that, Hinata... — Sasuke begged, looking into her frightened eyes.
The tears ran on her cheeks. That was the end. How much Hinata would try, she couldn't prevent it. Noone could. They looked at her awaiting. Sasuke begged in soul to change things, but he couldn't even make a move. He never felt more helpless. Then, she speaked, looking into Uchiha's eyes:
I, Hinata Hyunga, promise to cherish you all my life and longer. Be your best friend, soulmate, your safe place during storm. Be the one, who will treasure you the most, always be by your side until the world ends. — she stopped, feeling like grip on neck and head loosen. — Sasuke Uchiha.
Suddenly, she pierced Touma's foot with sharp heel and punched in his solar plexus. Then, Sasuke saw an arrow flying to her, he screamed and she turned.
It happened so fast, Uchiha wanted to run her, but was too far. It was impossible to get there in time. The arrow was about to held her, Hinata closed her eyes, ready.
Suddenly she felt a tight embrance around body and hard pinch on stomach. Hyuga opened eyes and saw that cheerful smile on familiar face.

"There is a chance. The fan would save the flower only, if the one, who loves the flower the most would sacrifice own life."

"Lady Hinata... You are hurt... Mei is not that good maid after all."
Mei slowly fell on her knees, with still wrapped arms around Hinata. The arrow came through her back and stomach, the sharp end cut Hyuga through corset. The young maid was bleeding profoundly, she coughted with crimison liquid, but despite the pain the smile staid on her face. Raven haired woman cried, trying to pressure the wound with hands, but nothing could help.
"P-Please, stop... It won't h-help and Lady w-will be d-dirty..."
— I-I don't mind getting dirty... Why, Mei, why? — Hinata sobbed, friend held her hand. Each word left with difficulty from stained with blood lips.
"B-Because I... p-promised to protect... I-I couldn't... Yui-chan... B-But I could... you... Hinata-sama..."
A tear ran from corner of Mei's eye, Hinata gently stroked her hair. The woman coughted and with last left strenght pulled off the arrow. "No!" Hyuga shouted, tried to stop her, but on friend's face showed smile. Woman's hand softly fell on Hinata's laps.
Hinata looked at her lifeless body with eyes wide open. She didn't hear what was happening around, tears ran through her cheeks, hands and legs were numb, all covered with friend's blood. She couldn't believe. She wished it to be just a nightmare to wake up from. Then, Hyuga felt a hand on back. It wasn't a dream.
— I'm so sorry, Hinata... But we have to go. They got him. It's all over. Medics have to check you. — It was Sasuke, who patiently waited for her.
— I-I won't l-leave her here... — she responded weakly, still holding the body.
"I'll take her to the safe place, Hinata-sama. You should go with Uchiha."
That voice belonged to Neji, who kneeled by them. He delicately took maid's body in arms and walked away. Lady looked at them disappearing from her sight. Then, Sasuke lifted Hinata and held tightly. Pressed to his wide chest, she started crying heavily, letting all emotions leave. Uchiha kept stroking her soft hair and whispered comforting words, giving needed time. He understood that too well. Sasuke also felt sorry for what happened, but never felt so grateful at the same time. She saved the most important to him person. There was noone he respected more than the brave maid.
The hall was all empty when Hinata calmed a little. Sasuke stroked wet from tears cheeks and kissed her forehead, then took his woman in arms and they left the place of massacre behind.

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