IX. Back for you.

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The big day.

The day they feared the most.

Her wedding.

In the morning she met her friend Shino, who didn't have a good news for them. Aburame family didn't manage to examine the evidences in such short time and they had the most significant of roles. She believed that at last moment they'd finish. Hinata seemed not to have as much luck as she hoped.

She looked in the mirror reflection. The dress she wore was pure white, lacy, fell on the ground in cascades, empresizing every femine curve. It looked pretty, just like heavier than usually makeup and pinned up hairstyle. Maids struggled a lot to cover sleepless nights, stress and suffer painted her beautiful face. But even if she looked well, Hinata hated what she had seen. She shouldn't be there. She shouldn't feel that way for such event.
Since the childhood, Hyuga had dreamt about her wedding day, about being forever with someone she loved. But her gaze didn't show the happiness, but sorrow.
She failed. How could she believe in strenght she didn't have at same beginning? Hinata felt so naive, so cruel. She wanted him to believe in her, gave hope, but for nothing. The woman was going to loose it all. Sasuke would be killed for something he hadn't done and she'd live without love, but with overhelming remorse. Or, if the phropercy was right - death would quickly get her too. Maybe then they'd be happy on the other side.

When servants left Hinata's room, she let the tears leave eyelids. Her whole body, mind, heart cried. The last time she bemoaned so much was after mother's tragic death. Just like Sasuke's parents, killed by assassins waiting on track. Hinata was the only one, who survived. She was just twelve years old. For these memories the woman couldn't stop shaking, she was about to throw up, but couldn't - for the last two days she couldn't even look at the food. This whole situation ruined her.

That wasn't fair. Why them? Why they had to play with the destiny? And why would anyone put a curse on them? They had never done anything that bad to deserve such cruelty.

Hinata didn't even notice, when the door opened.

- Onee-san?

It was Hanabi, standing in yellow dress with ribbons. She looks so pretty ~ bride thought. In one moment younger sister ran to her and hugged tightly. She didn't know what was going on, but she didn't ask. Hinata softly stroked sister's soft hair, trying to treasure every moment with her. Then she realized that it might be their last time together.

- I'm sorry Hanabi you see me like this...

- That's okay... - she responded calmly. If she only knew... Hinata made sister look into her eyes.

- I want you to be strong, much stronger than me. But It's okay to cry, even the strongest people cry. Choose wisely in love, but when you'll meet that person, love with all your heart, Hanabi... But remember the most important thing. Your sister loves you more than you can even imagine, always did and will, no matter what. I'll always be with you.

- Onee-san... Why do you say me these... - Hanabi looked at her not understanding.

- I have to be sure you know that, Hanabi.

The girl nodded and both Hyuga sisters bursted in tears.

Just like their father, who stood behind the door.


Sasuke's body and mind felt numb. The gaze turned to darkness he staid in whole life.

Again, he was going to loose everything in one day. Firstly, his parents, who were attacked on their way home. That day he was with his older brother Itachi in Hyuuga's manor. Shortly after, Itachi suddenly disappeared, left him with Hiashi and never came back for Sasuke. And again, the woman he cherished the most was going to marry some bastard against her will.

He knew exactly what was happening. She couldn't save any of them, but It wasn't her fault. The man was sure that Hinata did all to clear his name and avoid the unwanted marriage.

Maybe happiness hasn't ment to be for all. Maybe they had not enough lucky to afford such a luxury.

He didn't even know when tears started leaving his eyelids.

If he could see her the last time...


Hinata stepped on the carpet from white rose petals. She didn't look at anyone, her eyes were still red from tears she shed. The saddest bride on land moved like ghost, didn't make any noise. Moved forward, just like a lamb for sacrifice.

Father joined her in the middle of the way, Hinata weakly took his arm. He wished not to ever see his precious child in such pain. "What have I done?"

She didn't see any of her friends, who could support her that moment. Even the maid, who disappeared shortly after they checked their makeup. "Don't worry, Lady Hinata, everything will be fine" - these words felt so empty, even if Mei's eyes burned. In the end, no one was there for her.

She stood in front of groom, who seemed prouder and more confident than ever before. He won and after the wedding noone could stop him from realizing his sick plans. They could see that in his eyes.

The ceremony started. "Nothing can help me now".


Sasuke heard the orchestra playing the ceremonial melody. He lowered his head between legs, couldn't handle the emptiness eating him from inside.

It was over.

Suddenly, the hall filled with noises of fight, shouts of guardians and footsteps made in rush. Uchiha didn't recognize voices in the beginning. He thought it was just another, cruel joke to break him. They used to do such things, especially in the first days. But then, he heard:

"I've got the keys!"

His head must fool him. But didn't.

They were there, all of them. Kiba, Shino, Neji, Mei. Even Naruto rode inside like crazy on his wheelchair. The maid in hurry tried each of many rusty keys, until the lock opened harshly. They fastly entered his cell, surrounding him from each side.
Mei gave him his clean clothes and some water. He couldn't get out of the shock.

"Dress up Uchiha, Hinata-san can't wait forever, so do I."

Neji said and handled him the blade. Uchiha momentally recognized his family sword. After quick change of clothes, he took it in hands. The first time for long, on handsome face showed his characteristic smirk.

"Let's save my bride."


Hinata felt how the world stays silent, words and other noises didn't get her. She didn't rise gaze, didn't want to observe how her happiness and freedom ends. How with that unwilling "yes" judges her to fall. The woman felt how soul leaves the body, getting into the land of memories. Even if that life wasn't easy, Hyuga cherished it. Especially the last time with her family and Sasuke. She didn't understand how fast he became so special to her, or maybe he already had been for this time. Hinata wanted him to know that.

Everyone in the renovated Great Hall felt pity for young Hyuga, but staid silent. None of them staid in her defense, being just observers - like an audience watching ancient tragedy. But that wasn't a play, Hinata wasn't an actress, no matter how much she wanted it not to be reality.

"Do you, Touma Okada, take Hinata Hyuga to be your wedded wife... "

"Of course, I do!"

Okada didn't need any more words to state his will to claim her as his wife. In that case the word "property" felt more appropriate. On his face showed a grin that showed all sharp as knives teeth. It was time for the last words from his precious pray.

"Over my dead body."

She rose the gaze and couldn't believe her own eyes. "Sasuke" ~ the whisper left shaking lips.

He came for her.

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