I. Your laugh, my sorrow.

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- B-But, father, please!

- No, Hinata! That's decided. You are turning eighteen in five days and you are getting married.

They were in his office, the man walked nervously through the room, his the oldest daughter was sitting on the ornamented coutch, trying to control shaking hands. That room, just like the rest of manor, was spacious and richly decorated. A lot of light came inside by high windows, the crystals from a big chandelier shined in many colours.
Lady Hinata felt how tears come to her eyes, but she resisted them. She wasn't ready for that, but father didn't even want to hear about such thing. All ladies her age was coming through the same, like her mother, like her grandmother, that was her time. It was the tradition, unbreakable rule she had to obey.

- Lord Yamanaka is already preparing the wedding for his daughter, how do we look like? It's your time. Even If you want it or not.

Lord Hyuuga stopped and sat by his huge, oak desk. He leaned over it, trying to get thoughts together. Hinata came closer to him and sat by his legs, just like she used to as a kid. Hiashi sighed heavily, looking at his precious child. He couldn't stop thinking, how much she grew up. Now she was a fine, beautiful lady. Everyday he got many offers from higher lords, who wanted to arrange the meeting for their children. He even had his candidate.

- Listen, Hinata. Young Aburame is a fine man, you are friends. He is a good choice.

- Papa... - Hinata called him with a smile, trying not to show how hard it is to her. - Me and Shino were always only friends. Maybe... We should find other candidates. And choose the finest of them.

Hyuuga Hiashi looked at his child, intrigued.

- Maybe that could be the way. Organize ball... Find between them. That's it.

- But still... - Hinata started, already knowing the answer.

- No, I will choose, thats final. Better get ready, I'll order preparing the invitations.

Before leaving, Hinata asked.

- W-Will you invite him? He is from the great family and has the right to be here. That would be good looking, we were close to them.

Her father didn't say anything for long. The silence always was present between them when it came to this topic. With a sigh, he nodded.

- Alright, I prepare the one. Now leave, I have a lot of work.

Hinata nodded and left.

" It could be worse. He has the right to come, but... I'm sure If he came, he would do it just to enjoy the performance. Probably as the only one. "


" My lord, there is the letter for you, from Lord Hyuuga. "

The man sitting by the desk lift his gaze from a book. That wasn't an often reaction, nowadays the Lonely Lord - that's how he was called - seemed nervous, couldn't focus his attention longer than half of an hour. There was noone in the manor, who could know what was troubling him, their talks limited to giving orders, he wasn't an effusive kind of man. After the long travels to the unknown sides of the world he had year before, the Lonely Lord staid in his manor, moping between old, quiet walls like a ghost.

- Give me this - he said emotionless and took the message.
You can go now.

A maid fastly left the room. The man watched the letter carefully, then broke a seal with Hyuuga sign and opened. After looking it through, he put it aside.

" Another play, aren't you bored, Hiashi?"

He came back to his book, but the temptation couldn't leave him for long.

... < five days later > ...

That was the day, the day of the Great Ball, the day that had to change Hinata's life forever. After the conversation with father, all manor was focused on the preparations - servants decorated the hall, kitchen worked at top speed, Lord Hyuuga took care of formalities. Same birthday girl was taking eye on everything, It had to be as best as it could be.
The time pasted so fast, she was surprised, when a maid reminded her about timing. Hinata meekly let the pairs of careful and professional hands turn her to the "better version" of herself. Ladies couldn't hide their excitement of upcoming event and the visit of young handsome gentlemen. Many of them wished to be at her place.
But for Hinata wasn't like in fairytales, these about princesses and princes on white horses. For her, it was like a prelude to the sorrow.
Suddenly, the room entered a younger Lady, Hanabi, who couldn't even stand calmly from excitement, dressed in a pastel pink dress with ribbons. Without any welcome, she announced:

- Sister, boys just arrived! Dad says you have to hurry up!

This information made women in the room thrilled, encouraging to do their work even faster. After last touches, they left lady Hinata alone, the first time during that crazy day. But It wasn't relieving. The various thoughts were spinning in her head, they couldn't stop. The fear, the helplessness, the loneliness. Noone could understand Hinata's feelings, noone asked what she wanted, noone even cared about it.
She couldn't escape the fate they forced on her.

Lady Hinata decided not to show herself too earily. Firstly, she left her room using backdoor, quickly approaching one of the maids standing by the window. She was always the first one, who knew what was happening around (what sometimes made Hinata feel uncomfortably).

"Oh, Lady Hinata! You look so wonderful... Why aren't you downstairs?" - she asked her with penetrating gaze.

- Before I'll come, I... I'd like to know what's happening there... - Hinata's gaze hanged on two gentlemen, who almost yelled at each other.

"Oh, these are young Lord Uzumaki and Lord lzunuka, these have the temper. Luckily, no one had showed their hunting dogs. Yet. " - the woman laughed and Hinata approached her.
"But, It's not bad. They are waiting for the main attraction of the night." The woman winked to the Lady, who smiled softly.

- I'll should go then... Thank you so much.


The Lonely Lord watched passing lands, feeling the pinch in his cold heart. These were so familiar to him, every lake, every hill, even the old trees that didn't change even a bit, then covered with thick layer of snow. The carriage drove slowly, carefully not to skid on the slippery road. He didn't understand why he decided to go there. Maybe from boredom, maybe from curiosity. What was he planning to do? Most of the people there just annoyed him, their problems seemed so shallow, just like their minds. But somehow he was feeling pulled to this place. Just to see.
They had met the last time... Eight years before. So much time... He had no idea how she is now. Was she still that shy girl, who hardly even say something without stuttering and huge blush on face?

He needed to know, whom she became.

Suddenly, the carriage stopped. And he realized, why did he come.

He had to know, whose dirty hands would take her forever.

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