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     "Hey, where are you going?" Leo questioned as she headed for the door.

"I'm going home. I'm not doing this with you." Joslin said as she pulled on her shoes.

"What? Why not?" Leo counted raising from his spot.

"Leo come on, don't be difficult."

"You don't want to see how they portray you?" Leo questioned as Kris Morrison's voice began telling Leo's story from his unfortunate ending on the previous season to him trying to find love as the Bachelor.

"They are going to portray me as a bossy, sarcastic, difficult human being."

"Which you are..." Leo said with a grin. She growled at him. "Come on sit down, we can watch something else, anything else then." He slipped off the couch and onto his knees, "please Jos, don't leave me..." She watched him crawl to her, his face now pressed against her legs. "Don't leave," he whined and pecked an eye open. "Did it work, will you stay?"

"Anything, but this show then." She announced and moved to the kitchen. "Butter or Kettle."

"Butter," Leo said satisfied as he moved back to the couch. "I'm on season four finally..." he began as Joslin popped the popcorn.

"Well then there should not have been any debate." Joslin felt her phone buzz from her pocket. It was Trina. 'We are watching YOUR show tonight! The girls are here, are you joining us for this momentous event or is Leo keeping you occupied?'

Beep, beep, beep.

Joslin tossed a piece of popcorn up into the air, missed and Coby caught it instead. She texted Trina back as she poured the popcorn into a bowl. 'Leo.' She replied simply.

Buzz, buzz.

'Have fun ;)'

"You coming back or should I watch Supernatural without you?"

"If you don't like Castiel this engagement is over." She informed him.

"You know I believe you when you say that." He said pulling her into his lap, she nodded.

"It is the truth babe."

"Maybe we should have a supernatural themed wedding?" Leo asked jokingly.

"That is too far, I'm not that obsessed." Joslin said, finally happy, finally feeling like her life was going in the right direction. Her transcriptions were doing better and she was making more money, her cats were finally all getting along. The man she loved was hers and only hers for the rest of her life. What could be better?

"Joslin, Leo!" Landon said opening the front door. "You're not watching YOUR show? What kind of madness if this?" 

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