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"The dress you pick will change everything!" The stylist exclaimed as she pulled in a rack of beautiful dresses and boxes of jewelry and hair pins. "Joslin right? Or are you Lauren?"

"Joslin." She looked around at all the options. She knew she would be getting what seemed like a royal treatment, but she didn't know what she was going to say. Maybe he would pick Lauren and Joslin would have to deal with the rejection she thought she wanted.

"So we have some pastels for you. The pink one, or blue maybe..." She looked Joslin up and down, she felt naked. "Your skin is so pale, didn't you get any sun at the mansion?"

"They kept us in like prisoners." Joslin said looking down at her skin. She didn't think he was pale, she thought she got some color, but compared to Lauren she supposed she was pasty.

"Well we can fix that..." she pulled out a spray tan gun.

"No, I want to be me, not an orange."

"Fine," she looked at Joslin as though she was making a huge mistake.

"You think that he hasn't already made up his mind? That if he sees me tan that he will go oh yes now I must choose Joslin?" Joslin pulled at the dresses, they were floor length and beautiful. Something Joslin had never dreamed to wear before. "I like this one." Joslin said pulling it off the rack.

"I have different options for neckwear," she said stopping Joslin, holding her small heart necklace in her fingertips. "Something more-"

"This is fine," Joslin flicked the woman's hand off of her. "I'm going to try it on..." Joslin waited for the woman to leave so Joslin could change but she did no such thing. "I'm just gonna change in here then." She pointed with on hand to the bathroom while holding the dress in the other.

"AHHHH," Lauren screamed filled with excitement when she saw the dress options. "EVERYTHING IS BEAUTIFUL!" She couldn't believe she had made it. She couldn't believe she was here, the final two.

"Your skin is perfection, I'm thinking darker. Pastels are going to look washed out, blush colors maybe... something to show him that you are the one!" The woman said with a grin, as Laruen began trying on dresses grinning widely.

"And jewelry, lots of jewelry, or maybe a big pendant, I don't know I just want all things sparkly."

"I don't know which one is the biggest? The most expensive? The most unique?" Leo looked at all the engagement ring options, he had no clue which to pick. They were all so similar yet the man holding the ring box told him they were all very, very different.

"Your girl will know the difference." He said pulling out a star shaped ring. "This is a 14K Astor, a 24k Carrington, 16K Veronique..." He saw Leo's confusion. "Do you know the four C's?" Leo nodded very slowly. "Cut, color, clarity, and carat. What metals do you want? Oh and the stone color, I have a few options." He pulled out the top layer of rings and 25 rings more appeared. "Also the shape of the stone..."

"What do you recommend?" Leo questioned thinking the professional would be able to give him the right ring.

"Round, princess, emerald, cushion, oval, marquise, radiant, pear, or heart?" As he rattled them off Leo's face dropped.

"That is just words and those mean nothing to me, I'm sorry." Leo said awkwardly.

"Go with princess cut, most woman love it." Leo nodded and he got out the princess cut rings. "Let's do a white gold..." Leo nodded, "24K which means it is fully gold, 100% pure."

"That sounds good." Leo pulled at his cuff links. "Wait, that's it. That's the one." Leo said pulling the ring up and examining it.

"Excellent choice sir, she will love it." Leo smiled down at it, he moved it up so it hit the light, it was perfect. It looked as though it was perfectly made for her.

"Alright get set, girl one up on the hill?" the producer, Becky called.

"Yep, Kris is walking her up, wishing her luck and all that BS." A crew member said while smearing butter on a bagel.

"Good, good, and girl two?" Becky questioned with a dull expression.

"Still in her room, the car is going to pick her up as soon as Leo makes his way up to girl one."

"Perfect, now if one of them has a break down and tries to kill Leo or something like that..." She stole half of the man's bagel. "Then this will be the best season yet!"

"Really?" Kris questioned making his way down to them. "I would have thought you would be upset about everything."

"Are you kidding?" Becky laughed and threw down the bagel onto the plate. "We got a lesbian, a cancer reveal, a girl with a daughter that would have ended worse but whatever..." She took a sip of water. "And Leo's twin coming and causing chaos... priceless, the fans will love it!"

"You are horrible." The man behind the soundboard said with a smirk.

"Just need a break down now and we will be golden." Kris watched as Becky paced back and forth excited for what she prayed would come.

"We got it, we got a break down. This is not a drill!" Becky smiled soo widely as she clapped her hands. "Oh Kris this is going to be the best season yet! What's that?" She put her hand to her ear hearing the news as it came through on her com. "Okay, well get him changed then."

"What happened?" Kris asked turning to hear the screaming from up the hill.

"Girl one," Becky was giddy and bouncing on the balls of her feet.

"Lauren..." Kris said turning back to them.

"Yeah her, Leo rejected her and she was drinking red wine, red wine! I don't know who gave her that but I am going to kiss them!" She peered over to the crew, everyone was rewatching the footage already. "He told her he was sorry or whatever stupid thing they do to make the loser feel like they aren't losing... HA!"

"You are enjoying this way too much, Becky." Kris said, feeling sorry for Laruen, but he knew it would happen, he knew what was coming.

"I am not enjoying this enough, I still have a show to run and..." she looked around. "Someone get me girl two! And get Leo a new shirt! Or don't, I don't care." Becky looked back. "So this Laruen girl threw her wine at Leo and is on a rampage about how this is rigged and Leo never cared about her or anyone and oh it's great! Just great!" Her cheeks hurt from smiling and the season hadn't even wrapped yet. "Television Kris, I love it sometimes." Becky downed the rest of her water. "Where is girl two!?"

Bachelor's wing woman (Book1)Where stories live. Discover now