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"Leo Baxter?" The driver questioned with a smile.

"Yeah..." Leo looked around confused. "Where is Peters, he usually picks me up."

"Your brother made other arrangements," the man said still smiling.

"What did he do?" Leo asked annoyed already.

"Please, get in, it's a long ride to Wisconsin." The man held out a hand to his car, a party bus...

"What the hel-"

"LEO!" Landon screamed "WELCOME HOME BUDDY!" Landon moved to hug his brother and Leo gave the camera a side eye glare. "I thought we could travel in style to visit this cheese headed woman you love!"


"No, no, no. No arguing, no complaining, no nothing that isn't fun." When Landon let Leo inside all his soccer and baseball buddies were there smiling, laughing, cheering.

"LEO!" They said and hugged him.

"Oh. My. God." Leo said amazed and confused and frustrated. He was going to sleep for the car ride, not party... "What are all of you doing here!?" He was happy to see them it had been a long while since he was on the previous season as a contestant and now being the Bachelor... almost a year, over a year really when Leo thought about it.

"We are here for a final hurrah and to help you..."

"Or steal your woman away depending on who they are."

"You remember Joslin Bolt?" Landon said once the bus started to move.

"Yeah," they said confused.

"No way!" Mark said it clicking why Landon was bringing her up. "She is one of the contestant? You had a thing for her back then too didn't you?"

"Stop it." Leo said embarrassed. "Yeah, she's different now, but still Joslin."

"Is she the cheese head we are going to see now?" Callum asked.

"No, she still lives in Illinois." Leo said. "I," he emphasized making sure they weren't going to ruin the possibly only good date he would have this week. "I am going to see Katie, she lives in Wisconsin."

"Well she must be fun." Aaron said with a grin. "I have dated Wisconsin girls," he began.

"You live in Wisconsin, you have no other choice." Landon interrupted.

"Fine, but they are party animals!" He said stretching his legs out.

"Not Katie, she is normal and good and kind of perfect at times." Leo said softly and they made kissy noises at him.

"Little Leo has a crush." They all gave him fake awws.

"Yeah guys, that's the point of the show." Leo said his face turning red.

"Wish me luck!" Leo said as he jumped off the bus a grin on his face. It was good to catch up, it was great to catch up. He missed this, just normal guy talk. He didn't realize how much he missed talking to his friends after all this time surrounded by women.

Katie stood confused as the bus rolled away Leo waving and smiling after them. She waited for him to explain, but he didn't he just kissed her and told her he missed her. He was excited for today, she didn't know that he didn't say that to the other two girls. She also didn't know that the other hometown dates were a fail so she tried to act excited and not disappointed that he didn't open up to her. tell her more than basic words that could be repeated for every single girl.

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