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     Leo took a deep breath as he thought of who to pick first, and second, and third...

"Shoshanna." She lets out a gasps and breath of relief and walks down to him. "Shoshanna," he said once she reached him. "Will you expect this rose?"

"Yes." She smiled as he handed it to her. He didn't kiss anyone or hug anyone, just a smile to everyone that got a rose, it was easier since he didn't know anyone, not really anyway.

"Ethaline... Zora... Becca... Shane... Jill... Lauren... Nessa... Drea..."

"Yes." Each woman said yes as though they had been holding their breath until to moment their name was called. Leo scanned his brain for more names and more faces. He still had to deal with the Ashley's and Katie's... Was it Ashley P or Katie P? He questioned to himself as he twiddled with the rose in his hands. The woman without roses tensed up waiting anxiously, while the women with roses stood relaxed, calm smiles on their makeup dosed faces.

"Only ten roses left," Kris warned when he saw Leo's hesitation. Kris gave Leo a pat on the back and whispered "you alright?" Leo nodded, Kris left to watch from the wings.


"Oh, yes," she said as she made her way to him. "I mean... um go on..." She smiled awkwardly until she reached him.

"Will you accept this rose?" He said with a laugh.

"Yes." She said again, embarrassed.

"Keralie... Sasha... Mirabella... Tia..." Leo sucked in a deep breath. The roses were going down, the smiling faces were going up, and he still hadn't decided what to do about Joslin. "Raquel... Abby..." Now time for the doubles, or he could get rid of them all together. No he liked one of the Ashley's, so there would be only one happy Ashley he needed to say it fast.

"Ashley D." he said clearly, but both Ashley's started to move forward. "D as in dog." He regretted it the moment he said it, but Ashley D. smiled widely as Ashley B took a sad step back.

"Yes," she leaned in and kissed his cheek. He quite liked that.

Two roses left... Joslin was smiling slightly from her spot. She knew she was going home, she didn't care, she just thought it was funny that she got in this stupid competition and it had to be a guy she knew. A guy she was friends with, best friends with when they were little kids, just her luck...

"Katie L." Leo said quickly and this time only one Katie stepped forward.

"Alright this is the final rose." Kris announced as if all the remaining girls were not freaking out watching the rose count decrease before his eyes. "Bella, Ashley B., Katie P., Joslin, Hannah, and Brianna... Best of luck." Kris said and walked away again.

Leo watched them all, the other Ashley and Katie, Brianna, Bella, Hannah and Joslin... everyone but Joslin stared at him. The rest begging him with their eyes to pick them, to love them, everyone but Joslin. Pick a name, any name he thought as he reached for the last rose, what is the first name that pops into my mind just say it he commanded himself.

"Joslin." It surprised him and her because she looked up confused and didn't move from her spot. "Joslin." He said again and the women got out of her way and let her step down to him. "Will you accept this rose?" He questioned and he thought for a moment she would say no. She just looked at him taking slowly deep breaths.

Joslin nodded slowly, skeptically and he held out the rose to her, she took it carefully holding it in her freshly painted nails. It took her a moment before she moved back to the group.

Bachelor's wing woman (Book1)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora