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     "The group date card is here!" Abby screamed as she ran to the hotel door. Everyone quickly gathered around and smiled giddy waiting for their name to be called, but hoping their name won't be called. Everyone wanted a one on one with Leo.

'Keralie, Raquel, Zora, Becca and Ethaline

I can't wait to see the sun with you


The girls gushed, Joslin was glad not be called, it sounded very romantic and she needed to catch up on her transcriptions. Just because everyone else can just up and leave their jobs doesn't mean that she could. She told them what she would be doing and they agreed to give her a lighter load, but she was expected to keep up with her hours and she said she would considering she thought she would be kicked out by now.

At 4:30 in the morning Leo and the crew crept into the girl's hotel rooms ready to surprise them for the group date. But Leo saw Joslin sitting outside on the patio, laptop on her outstretched legs and headphones on her ears, she didn't hear them come in. Leo gestured for the crew to stay put but a camera man followed him anyways.

"Hey," he whispered, but she didn't hear him. She was typing away, a million words flew down on the keys. "Hey," he said again and tapped her shoulder. She jumped at his touch then let out a relieved breath.

"Hi Leo, you scared me!" She exclaimed catching her breath, a hand on her heart. "What are you doing up this early?" Joslin asked pulling off her headphones.

"What are you doing up this early?" He retorted.

"Becca snores." She said simply. "Your turn."

"The group date, I want to see them all dolled down, not time to cover themselves in makeup and crap."

"Ah you want to see them all natural," she put a hand up to her face. "I hate makeup, I should try harder but then again, its 4:36 in the morning and I wasn't expecting on entertaining." They laughed. Leo was relaxed and felt a sense of peace when he was with Joslin it was nice having someone that already knew him that he could turn to, to just talk.

"You look great." He said softly, and she faked a blushed embarrassed look for being seen without being ready for the camera.

"Well go on, get to waking up the sleeping monsters." Joslin said as she stood up. She was going to see this. Leo hooked his arm around her shoulder and they walked into the hotel from the patio and towards the rooms. He released her from his grip and turned on his bull horn yelling wake up time to see the sun! He moved down the hall to reach all the rooms.

"Wake up, get ready to see the sun! You got 10 minutes!" He screamed, they screamed and groaned in protest as Leo walked into all the rooms and the girls tried to hide their makeup free faces.

"It's too early!" Zora moaned.

"Ten minutes, get ready!" Joslin couldn't help but laugh as the girls on the group date card rushed to the bathrooms and pulled on outfits.

"Ten minutes?" Keralie said frantic, but suddenly awake.

"Yeah that seems like enough time right?" Leo said looking to Joslin.

"For a low maintenance girls like me, sure but them... you are gonna have a strange looking group of girls for your morning hike." Joslin warned.

"I like a girl that can get up and out quickly, we shall see who meets these standards." He called out moving towards the kitchen with Joslin as his tail.

Bachelor's wing woman (Book1)Where stories live. Discover now