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"Where is she?" Kris asked the driver but the driver just shook his head.

"I couldn't find her Boss." He replied.

"What do you mean you couldn't find her?" Kris looked down the road, Becky would love a runaway contestant on top of everything.

"She wasn't there." He repeated. "I went inside and checked the room but she wasn't there."

"Great well how am I going to tell him? The girl he loves ran away and the girl he doesn't love is still rampaging the grounds."


Leo's phone went off and a message from Trina appeared, a voice message he put his phone on silent, now was not the time for distractions.

"Leo, hey where you going? You look great I see they got you a new shirt." Kris said stopping Leo from moving any further.

"Yep, new shirt, now it's time for the big question." Leo said through labored breaths.

"Actually, we are running a bit behind schedule..."

"What's going on?" Leo said suddenly seeing the crews disarray.

"It's nothing really," Kris tried nonchalantly to comfort Leo.

"Kris, don't lie to me. what's going on?"

"We can't find Joslin." Leo looked up to Kris panic on both their faces. "No need to worry we will find her and get this whole thing situated." Leo nodded, but felt it hard to breath. He walked away gesturing for Kris to stay put, he needed air. He was outside and couldn't find enough fresh air in the universe to satisfy his lungs. Joslin ran away from him again and yet he still wanted her.

She was at the basketball court in her full length teal blue dress, her heals were thrown to the side and making three pointers like it was no big deal. Leo watched her silently from afar not wanting to spook her when his phone vibrated in his pocket. Trina again. 'Please, Leo she loves you, don't give up on her.' He played the voice message pressing the phone up to his ear.

"I don't want to lose a friend," it was Joslin's voice, but Leo didn't think that Joslin knew Trina was recording her. "But he makes it hard to feel anything else besides love and passion again." He looked up to her as she did layups and pushed her hair out of her face with the back of her hand. "It doesn't make sense that I want him back because I don't feel like he was mine to begin with. He was with so many women that even when I felt like I was competing for him I didn't feel like he was mine and I was his." Leo watched her, he needed to tell her that he was hers and he wanted her, forever.

"Hey." His voice made her miss and the ball flew away off to the side. "I heard that you were lost."

"I'm not lost," she said looking him in the eye as she moved past him to get her ball back.

"I would say I was disappointed that you didn't want to come meet me at the proposal spot, but we were never traditional were we?" A smile creeped onto her face and she tried to hide it as she ran up for a layup. "Joslin?" She looked over her shoulder to him. "I love you and I want you to know that through this whole competition I thought of you as mine and me as yours." From her being just his friend Joslin, to the woman he loved, she was always his. She rolled her eyes back to the hoop, but she really liked what he was saying. "I know this was unconventional, this whole thing, from us pretending to us not pretending anymore," she let a smile slip. "But I want you to know that for as long as I live I will fight to keep you mine. Because I don't ever want you to not me mine again."

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