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     The Cocktail party came and Joslin was nowhere in sight.

"Where's Joslin?" Leo asked after he met with two of the girls, they really didn't want Joslin taking up more of their time.

"She wasn't feeling good," Keralie said "but I feel great can I steal you-"

"Oh really?" Leo moved past them and into the hotel the door slammed shut and all their hopes of him spending his night with them, the heathy contestants faded away. Was she really sick or just avoiding him Leo couldn't help but think as he walked down the stairs.

"Girl thinks that since she has a rose she doesn't have to come to the cocktail party, you think she is going to sit out of the rose ceremony too?" Zora said bitterly, "yet he still goes to find her."

"I know it's like do any of us actually have a chance?" Katie cut in a nervous grin on her face.

"Joslin?" Leo said when he got to their rooms. "Joslin? You in here?" He walked through the dark room until his fingers felt for the light switch. "Joslin?" He heard a cough and followed it. "Joslin?" She looked up to him her nose was red and her face was pale.

"I'm not avoiding you," she said simply as she blew her nose. "I am sick, I thought it best if I didn't contaminate you or anyone else."

"I thought you might have... never mind." She squinted at him as her eyes adjusted to the lights. "Do you need anything?" Leo reached for her water bottle and shook it. "I will fill this up." He announced.

"You don't have to-" her words drifted off as he left to fill it.

"Where is he?" Becca said with a smile, she had been in the bathroom and ready to talk to Leo.

"He left to find Joslin." Lauren said bitterly downing her drink.

"Maybe he's kicking her out for not coming?!" Raquel said hopefully then felt horrible for saying it. If she was sick and felt like death he would hope she showed her mercy.

"Maybe once he sees her sick he's not going to come back up because he's going to take care of her." Keralie said thoughtfully, Leo was nice like that he would if she asked.

"She was snotting up a storm, once he sees that, there is no way he will want her, snot takes all the sexy out of everything." Ethaline laughed. Katie felt bad that they were laughing at her friend but didn't know what to say or how to stop them. Leo was kind and he wasn't going to kick her out she knew that but she also got to see a new side of these girls a more viscous blood thirsty side. They wanted Joslin to fail, they wanted her to fail as well, it was a competition after all and there could only be one winner.

"Here you go." Leo handed Joslin her water bottle back.

"Thank you," she took a few gulps. "You don't have to stay, in fact you should really go, you have a cocktail party and rose ceremony to attend... to host."

"I would rather stay here..." he said and kissed her hand.

"I thought you weren't going to do that..." she said drowsily.

"You never agreed to that, I offered and you never said yes so I took that as you wanted to kiss me again."


"Don't argue I think you knew what you were doing when you didn't agree to the whole not kissing you think. I think you..."


"Those are the cutest sneezes ever." He said and she blushed momentarily. "It was like a mouse sneezed." He said and handed her a tissue.

"Go away Leo," her voice was nasally.

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