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It's the one on one! Lauren said excited as she ran to the door. "Gather round, gather round" she said like a mother gathering children. "Alright here we go... I don't know why I'm so excited," she said still not opening it. "Because I know it's not me. I already got a date after all."

"OPEN IT." Drea bit out as she waited patiently.

"Fine, fine, don't bite my head off." Lauren said and peeled open the letter.


Walk with me.


"He liked to be very vague." Daneel said as she grabbed her card from Lauren.

"Hey, at least you got a date, a one on one," Sasha reiterated.

"Yeah," Daneel said softly as she ran her fingers along the words. She hadn't really talked to him much last week seeing as though she didn't get a date last week and during cocktail hour it was mainly pleasantries. Of course she was glad, she was more than glad about getting a date, a one on one let alone. But she didn't know what the day would entail. She had things she wanted to tell him but also knew that as soon as she told him... it would change everything.

"You excited?" Abby asked as she brushed up against Daneel at the sink.

"Um, yeah... I'm fine, I'm excited, just nervous I guess."

"Well that was really convincing." Keralie said with a smirk. "What's wrong?"

"Don't be nervous he is going to love you." Joslin reassured.

Why was everyone in the bathroom? And someone really needed to clean the counters, it was starting to look and feel like a pig sty in there. Daneel couldn't help but wonder as she tried to get ready for her date.

"Thanks Joslin, could I actually talk to you for a moment?" Daneel asked putting down her makeup brush and turning to Joslin who was putting on a pair of pink socks.

"Of course." Joslin rose from the bed connected to the bathroom and slipped on her shoes.

"Do you want to talk to me too?" Abby said with a grin.

"Maybe later," Daneel tried to let her down gently. This was something she thought Joslin would be able to help her with. "Can we go for a quick walk?" Joslin nodded and they headed out.

"So what's going on?" Joslin asked once they were away from the house but not away from the cameras they wouldn't get the pleasure of actually talking alone. "You have seemed off these past few days, sad, not as bubbly as the first night."

"I have a secret." Daneel said vaguely.

"Don't we all?" Joslin especially when it came to this show.

"It's bigger than the typical secret and as soon as he finds out... I think I will be going home." Joslin's eyes went wide, did Daneel have a secret boyfriend or husband? Was Daneel gay? Did Daneel- "I have a kid. She's 5 years old, and the love of my life."

"Why me?" Joslin wondered as they walked. "Why tell me this secret?" Joslin asked as soon as the words came out of Daneel's mouth. "I mean I'm grateful that you told me, I really am, but why me?"

"You seem to have this weird unspoken connection with him and... and it's just hard to know what he's thinking. I thought maybe you could help me figure out what to tell him." She stumbled on her words. "What should I do?"

Bachelor's wing woman (Book1)Where stories live. Discover now